"Knifefight Afterdance" <***@aol.com> wrote on Thu 02 Jun 2011
Post by Knifefight Afterdance2011 06:06:05a
Post by Knifefight AfterdanceOne of the many things liberals do is - "destroy the brand".
The Chickens have come Home to Roost for this motherfucker.
As they always do.
It will come to past - sooner rather than later, that these same
liberals will very quickly realize that "Anthony Weiner" - a very
liberal flame-thrower & would-be mayor of New York - is now a
"destroyed brand".
He's done. We all now know it.
Newt Gingrich - will not be President, but is successful.
David Vitter - didn't he win another 6 year term as US Senator?
Larry Craig - not sure about him; but he's no longer a Senator.
the late bastard Henry Hyde
I hope humans who walk the Earth after you die call you the same
"bastard", scumbag.
...were they done when caught, red-handed or not?
I'm sure you have a point - I just don't know what it is. It's clear
that you're too stupid to flesh it out.
I'm sure that you've heard this before. lol
Your failure to understand the point has no connection whatsoever with my
success in making my point, moron.
Post by Knifefight AfterdanceIf Weiner is done and voluntarily steps down because he did something
wrong, it is because he has what most right wing scumbags do NOT
have: SHAME
Ask Barney Frank, puddle of piss.
Really? Barney Frank had relationships with consenting adults.
Of course, a homophobe like you would not characterize his behavior as
anything less than "sodomite," and that such relationships disqualify him
from office, again according to fag-bashers like yourself.
Post by Knifefight AfterdanceChris Lee of NY: this right wing scumbag DOES have shame. Let
Republicans call him their example.
Republicans need to take Rep. Ryan and Speaker Boehner out to the
woodshed for the NY seat loss. This is a lesson that should be learned.
You're one of those people who likes to do the equivalent of pulling wings
off flies to watch them suffer, arncha?...and the equivalent is hoping to
take your grandma off her Medicare benefit and watching her in pain a medical
emergency, keeping the ambulance attendants or ER staff at bay by telling the
asshole asking her while she's barely conscious if she's insured, and you
laughing back, "Oh, she's not covered at all, and all of this is on your
dime!" But then you probably never liked your grandma, because she probably
told you at one time what a worthless PoS you are.
Post by Knifefight AfterdanceBut I bet that's not a trend.
LOL! What an idiot you are!
The real danger to the future of humanity is the preference
for surrendering to fear, superstition, and faith
in absolutist belief systems, and so to submit to these
willingly and to the control of those demagogues who
make use of these, rather than preferring
to reason with one's own mind.