2011-06-23 17:38:57 UTC
Michele Bachmann thinks that the Founding Fathers abolished slavery,
that would have to be about 1865, just a few years after Darwin
published his theory of evolution!
And during her campaign, Sarah Palin said about the Pledge of Allegience,
"If it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for
The Pledge, of course not being composed till 19!? something.
It's dismaying to see people with such a tenuous grasp on the history of
this country, believe themselves competent and worthy to lead it.
And now the Tea Party moment is demanding that all school and college texts
books show this!
Is this what is meant by education reform?
that would have to be about 1865, just a few years after Darwin
published his theory of evolution!
And during her campaign, Sarah Palin said about the Pledge of Allegience,
"If it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for
The Pledge, of course not being composed till 19!? something.
It's dismaying to see people with such a tenuous grasp on the history of
this country, believe themselves competent and worthy to lead it.
And now the Tea Party moment is demanding that all school and college texts
books show this!
Is this what is meant by education reform?