Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
(too old to reply)
D. Stussy
2010-11-10 03:44:10 UTC
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?

ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.

Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.

Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
2010-11-10 05:15:16 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
Lead Birther Bamboozler...a/k/a the Birther Queen....

Squirrely Orly Taitz and her unprofessionalism, courtroom disruption and disrespect, sloppy and incomplete filings, crazed claims, including the one above, and lack of facts-in-evidence earned her a deserved reputation for using and abusing the courts. She was also fined $20,000 for filing a "frivolous" litigation. The State federal judge (Georgia) said Taitz attempted to misuse the federal courts to push a political agenda. Upheld by SCOTUS. Beyond frivolous, not unlike the other dozen or so lawsuits...past, present...and future. Judges don't like being bothered with and by lame lawyers, especially one who accuses a Justice's clerk of ditching her filings and not bringing them before SCOTUS....without any evidence to back up that insane claim.

Her ill-advised attempt to wave a Kenyan birth certificate around...and in the wrong faces... that was obviously a forgery and proven to be so, was the last straw of her straw man argument and accusations.

And no, every appeals court, state Supreme Court...and the SCOTUS....are not "in the tank" for Obama.

And Mario Apuzzo (Kerchner v Obama) has nothing...and his lawsuit will go nowhere. He and his Emer de Vattel nonsense are laughable and will be laughed out of court.

Apuzzo's Absurdities Revealed...including proveable misstatements of law...and an overall lack of knowledge of lawyering and Courtroom Protocol 101:

(Cross-reference for one's self, since the usual response when confronted with the facts, rather than FauxSnooze fabrications...is a dismissive one.)


And contrary to what's been claimed, President Barack Hussein Obama has not spent millions...or a million...in defense fees. Like all presidential candidates...legal fees are incurred relative to numerous issues. Public records...

Birther meet dead horse.

Both beaten...
2010-11-10 22:42:57 UTC
Post by Chazz
Lead Birther Bamboozler...a/k/a the Birther Queen....
You misspelled "BIRFER"
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-10 13:08:25 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org
D. Stussy
2010-11-10 20:23:11 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution.
Bert Hyman
2010-11-10 22:06:42 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution.
The term "natural born citizen" is not defined in the Constitution, so
it's left to the Congress to define it through legislation.

In the history of the nation, the legal definition of the term has
changed several times.

What was the definition of the term at the time Obama was born?
Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN ***@iphouse.com
2010-11-11 06:24:52 UTC
Post by Bert Hyman
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution.
The term "natural born citizen" is not defined in the Constitution, so
it's left to the Congress to define it through legislation.
In the history of the nation, the legal definition of the term has
changed several times.
What was the definition of the term at the time Obama was born?
Yeah, didn't say of which country. He was a natural born of Kenya, right?
- Jane Galt

"There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the
means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men
by force, socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder
and suicide." -- Ayn Rand, from "Foreign Policy Drains U.S. of Main
2010-11-11 16:19:22 UTC
Post by Jane_Galt
Post by Bert Hyman
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution.
The term "natural born citizen" is not defined in the Constitution, so
it's left to the Congress to define it through legislation.
In the history of the nation, the legal definition of the term has
changed several times.
What was the definition of the term at the time Obama was born?
Yeah, didn't say of which country. He was a natural born of Kenya, right?
- Jane Galt
"There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the
means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men
by force, socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder
and suicide." -- Ayn Rand, from "Foreign Policy Drains U.S. of Main
Wrong. No facts in evidence.

Squirrely Orly Taitz did try to file an alleged Kenyan birth certificate in the courts...big mistake. It was easily and quickly proven a forgery. That, along with other filings and behaviors unfitting a representative of the courts, earned her a $20,000 fine for unprofessionalism and overall whacky bonkers claims and actions.

An alleged recorded interview with his Kenyan grandmother...not even conducted in her village language...is purported to included her saying she was at his birth at a Kenyan hospital. Enter Beaulah the Buzzer, yet again. That was summarily slammed as and proven to be a phony, contrived, mistranslated "smoking gun" that shot blanks/.

On the other hand, there are conflicting stories that President Barack Hussein Obama's mother fled Kenya "last minute", to ensure her future-president-to-be was born in Hawaii. Any idea how long that flight is...and even back then, if an airline would permit a woman ready to give birth to fly? The other take: She gave birth in Kenya and flew back to Hawaii to register him as having been born there. Another claim is that anyone foreign born can easily obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate. "Easily" is a falsehood.

Those who've hung on and believed every word of Jerome Corsi and WND...and the dozen or so filing attorneys, have fallen for their claims, of course. They've also become Constitutional scholars throughout the course of the lawsuits...hoping breathlessly that a judge at any level, would buy what they were selling....including SCOTUS.

Rather than repeat that which has already been posted and/or covered at the site below, catch up. Or not. It will do no good for those determined to believe that Obama isn't Constitutionally eligible to be president of the United States...no matter what proof there is that...in fact, that he is...and how much "non-proof" and debunked claims there are...that he's not.

(Cross-reference for one's self, since the usual response when confronted with the facts, rather than FauxSnooze fabrications...is a dismissive one.)


(Because one of the original filing attorneys was a Democrat...Phil Berg by name...the claim was excitedly made that it wasn't a partisan or political issue. Except for one thing. Berg was a rabid and ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton. He also had been sanctioned several times through the years for wild-eyed, frivolous filings and claims in other matters. Including being a 9-11 conspiracist, accusing Bush&Co. of having orchestrated 9-11...and "letting it happen.")

Not planning to waste anymore time or bandwidth on this closed case.

Any further questions, concerns or continued skepticism, email the principal(s) at the above site. Or whomever you choose.
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-11 19:00:19 UTC
Post by Bert Hyman
The term "natural born citizen" is not defined in the Constitution, so
it's left to the Congress to define it through legislation.
In the history of the nation, the legal definition of the term has
changed several times.
No. It was only defined once, and that definition went away when the
act it was part of was repealed.
Post by Bert Hyman
What was the definition of the term at the time Obama was born?
Legally, there has been no definition of the term for a couple of

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org
Bert Hyman
2010-11-11 19:18:57 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Legally, there has been no definition of the term for a couple of
The phrase "natural born" doesn't appear in current law, but instead the
phrase "Nationals and citizens of United States at birth" is used in
8USC1401. A conventional understanding of English says that the two
phrases mean the same thing.
Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN ***@iphouse.com
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-11 18:58:43 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution.

There is no law in this country that says that "having parents of
differing citizenships" makes one "not a natural citizen of ANY
country". The constitution does not define citizenship, except in the
14th amendment.

The 14th amendment simply says that if you are born here (under US
jurisdiction), you are a citizen. Your parents' citizenship is not
mentioned, and is irrelevant.

There has only been one law that specified what "natural born" means,
and it was repealed 200 years ago. If that definition holds, then
anyone who is not explicitly "naturalized" is therefore
"natural-born". By the definition of that old law, not only is Obama
solidly natural-born, but my kids born in Russia but adopted at school
age are also natural-born, because they became citizens by the Child
Citizenship Act of 2000, and not by naturalization.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org
D. Stussy
2010-11-11 20:11:47 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution.
There is no law in this country that says that "having parents of
differing citizenships" makes one "not a natural citizen of ANY
country". The constitution does not define citizenship, except in the
14th amendment.
The 14th amendment simply says that if you are born here (under US
jurisdiction), you are a citizen. Your parents' citizenship is not
mentioned, and is irrelevant.
There has only been one law that specified what "natural born" means,
and it was repealed 200 years ago. If that definition holds, then
anyone who is not explicitly "naturalized" is therefore
"natural-born". By the definition of that old law, not only is Obama
solidly natural-born, but my kids born in Russia but adopted at school
age are also natural-born, because they became citizens by the Child
Citizenship Act of 2000, and not by naturalization.
Which shows you completely misunderstand the concept.

Just because someone has ONE citizen parent and is born here, thus himself
a citizen at birth does NOT mean that the person is a "natural born
citizen" as required for the Presidency. "Natural born citizen" status is
a NARROWER subset of those citizens who have citizenship at birth. It
EXCLUDES dual citizens.

Obama is a dual citizen at birth (at best: U.S. and British -> Kenyan). He
never qualified.
D. Stussy
2010-11-11 20:11:47 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution.
There is no law in this country that says that "having parents of
differing citizenships" makes one "not a natural citizen of ANY
country". The constitution does not define citizenship, except in the
14th amendment.
The 14th amendment simply says that if you are born here (under US
jurisdiction), you are a citizen. Your parents' citizenship is not
mentioned, and is irrelevant.
There has only been one law that specified what "natural born" means,
and it was repealed 200 years ago. If that definition holds, then
anyone who is not explicitly "naturalized" is therefore
"natural-born". By the definition of that old law, not only is Obama
solidly natural-born, but my kids born in Russia but adopted at school
age are also natural-born, because they became citizens by the Child
Citizenship Act of 2000, and not by naturalization.
Which shows you completely misunderstand the concept.

Just because someone has ONE citizen parent and is born here, thus himself
a citizen at birth does NOT mean that the person is a "natural born
citizen" as required for the Presidency. "Natural born citizen" status is
a NARROWER subset of those citizens who have citizenship at birth. It
EXCLUDES dual citizens.

Obama is a dual citizen at birth (at best: U.S. and British -> Kenyan). He
never qualified.
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-12 02:44:26 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
There is no law in this country that says that "having parents of
differing citizenships" makes one "not a natural citizen of ANY
country". The constitution does not define citizenship, except in the
14th amendment.
The 14th amendment simply says that if you are born here (under US
jurisdiction), you are a citizen. Your parents' citizenship is not
mentioned, and is irrelevant.
There has only been one law that specified what "natural born" means,
and it was repealed 200 years ago. If that definition holds, then
anyone who is not explicitly "naturalized" is therefore
"natural-born". By the definition of that old law, not only is Obama
solidly natural-born, but my kids born in Russia but adopted at school
age are also natural-born, because they became citizens by the Child
Citizenship Act of 2000, and not by naturalization.
Which shows you completely misunderstand the concept.
Just because someone has ONE citizen parent and is born here, thus himself
a citizen at birth does NOT mean that the person is a "natural born
citizen" as required for the Presidency.
Sorry, but they are.

"Natural born citizen" status is
Post by D. Stussy
a NARROWER subset of those citizens who have citizenship at birth.
Post by D. Stussy
It EXCLUDES dual citizens.
Post by D. Stussy
Obama is a dual citizen at birth (at best: U.S. and British -> Kenyan). He
never qualified.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org
D. Stussy
2010-11-12 06:20:05 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
There is no law in this country that says that "having parents of
differing citizenships" makes one "not a natural citizen of ANY
country". The constitution does not define citizenship, except in the
14th amendment.
The 14th amendment simply says that if you are born here (under US
jurisdiction), you are a citizen. Your parents' citizenship is not
mentioned, and is irrelevant.
There has only been one law that specified what "natural born" means,
and it was repealed 200 years ago. If that definition holds, then
anyone who is not explicitly "naturalized" is therefore
"natural-born". By the definition of that old law, not only is Obama
solidly natural-born, but my kids born in Russia but adopted at school
age are also natural-born, because they became citizens by the Child
Citizenship Act of 2000, and not by naturalization.
Which shows you completely misunderstand the concept.
Just because someone has ONE citizen parent and is born here, thus himself
a citizen at birth does NOT mean that the person is a "natural born
citizen" as required for the Presidency.
Sorry, but they are.
"Natural born citizen" status is
Post by D. Stussy
a NARROWER subset of those citizens who have citizenship at birth.
Post by D. Stussy
It EXCLUDES dual citizens.
Post by D. Stussy
Obama is a dual citizen at birth (at best: U.S. and British -> Kenyan).
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
never qualified.
Then prove to me that Obama Sr. naturalized to become a U.S. citizen.
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-12 09:46:39 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Then prove to me that Obama Sr. naturalized to become a U.S. citizen.
No need to. Obama, Sr's, citizenship is irrelevant.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org
D. Stussy
2010-11-12 20:38:17 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Then prove to me that Obama Sr. naturalized to become a U.S. citizen.
No need to. Obama, Sr's, citizenship is irrelevant.
No, it's not. Obama Jr. cannot be a "natural U.S. citizen" unless both his
parents are also U.S. citizens.
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-13 00:15:16 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Then prove to me that Obama Sr. naturalized to become a U.S. citizen.
No need to. Obama, Sr's, citizenship is irrelevant.
No, it's not. Obama Jr. cannot be a "natural U.S. citizen" unless both his
parents are also U.S. citizens.
The courts do not agree with you. Obama is the President of the US
(which he couldn't be if he weren't a natural born citizen).

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org
Bert Hyman
2010-11-13 00:20:40 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
No, it's not. Obama Jr. cannot be a "natural U.S. citizen" unless
both his parents are also U.S. citizens.
The courts do not agree with you. Obama is the President of the US
(which he couldn't be if he weren't a natural born citizen).
What courts disagree with him?

What court has made a ruling on this?
Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN ***@iphouse.com
2010-11-13 22:31:06 UTC
Post by Bert Hyman
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
No, it's not. Obama Jr. cannot be a "natural U.S. citizen" unless
both his parents are also U.S. citizens.
The courts do not agree with you. Obama is the President of the US
(which he couldn't be if he weren't a natural born citizen).
What courts disagree with him?
Post by Bert Hyman
What court has made a ruling on this?
All....including SCOTUS. "Ruling", in this case...can pretty much be defined as nothing to rule on. Those judges who have taken the time to review writs/briefs/filings or heard the case as submitted by any one of a number of the lawyers...are aware of the law of the land as concerns Constitutional presidential eligibility...and nothing presented, claimed or asserted... in argument or as evidence has stood up. Beyond frivolous and a waste of the court's time, has essentially been the resulting ruling.

It takes some researching and honed reading comprehension skills, as historical and current legalese and legislative phraseology isn't easy to wade through...but it can be done.

Overly simplistic perhaps, but jure/jus soli is pretty clear-cut....and with which Justice Scalia, for example...is in agreement.

Then there's attaining the age of majority when the father isn't a citizen...and all that 'subject to' or
within the jurisdiction' implies...and that applies.

As for those who still persist on insisting he was born in Kenya...chasing tail and the Holy Grail.

There's no convincing anyone who has depended on the WND crew, especially...for the "facts". Or, worst of all...the BQ, Orly Taitz. Both of whom have put their dizzying and inaccurate spin on Constitutional law... interpretation and application.

Settled...and settled in law...and there's been an inordinate amount of time and effort expended on being and getting hung up on "natural born citizen" and "citizen" and the 14th Amendment (virtually interchangeable, with naturalization understood as separate and apart and decidedly a non-qualifying event)... relative to parents' citizenship...dual and otherwise.

Each individual...here and elsewhere...is, of course...free to to disagree....whether agreeing to do so...or not.

Last "breadth"...scope and width on this subject.
Post by Bert Hyman
D. Stussy
2010-11-10 21:42:57 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution,
Article II, Section 1, 5th paragraph.
2010-11-11 17:11:57 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution,
Article II, Section 1, 5th paragraph.
No it isn't. A bastardized, completely inaccurate interpretation does not a law of the land make.
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-11 19:01:03 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
Wrong. It's the supreme law of the land. It's in the Constitution,
Article II, Section 1, 5th paragraph.
Nothing in there that says
<>> >Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
<>> >natural citizen of ANY country.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org
Jeff Strickland
2010-11-12 17:00:30 UTC
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point. Having a
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.

With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright citizenship
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was born
outside of the USA.

I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any person
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around Obama's
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs to be
Peter Franks
2010-11-12 17:34:25 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point. Having a
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright citizenship
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was born
outside of the USA.
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any person
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around Obama's
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs to be

In this particular case, the vetting process would be simple and

To me, the reticence by Obama to open his history, including birth,
speaks volumes.

For all of his calls of openness and transparency, this guy is closed
and opaque. Talk about bait and switch.
D. Stussy
2010-11-12 20:43:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point. Having a
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright citizenship
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was born
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status at
birth is.

A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which country he
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships, that child
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which is
excluded fromt he Presidency.

For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any person
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around Obama's
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs to be
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Jeff Strickland
2010-11-12 21:26:59 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point. Having a
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status at
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which country he
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships, that child
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which is
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent is
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.

McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even though
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.

Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.

Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be president
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at the
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.

So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon his
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born parent
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified to
become president by birthright.
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any person
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around Obama's
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs to
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?

Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 00:48:14 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point. Having a
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status at
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships, that child
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which is
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent is
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even though
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be president
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at the
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon his
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born parent
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified to
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.

Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception that E.
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.

If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any person
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around Obama's
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs to be
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
By any means:
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.

The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)

This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II, paragraph 5.
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.

This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be convicted of
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.

The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.

* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 00:48:14 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point. Having a
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status at
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships, that child
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which is
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent is
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even though
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be president
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at the
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon his
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born parent
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified to
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.

Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception that E.
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.

If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any person
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around Obama's
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs to be
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
By any means:
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.

The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)

This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II, paragraph 5.
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.

This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be convicted of
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.

The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.

* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
Jeff Strickland
2010-11-16 02:16:49 UTC
The Constitutional requirement is that the President be natural born in the
USA, not an immigrant. Immigrants that become naturalized to gain
citizenship are not allowed to become President of the United States, but if
they have children that are born here then those children can become

Sadly, Maria from a dusty shack in Tiajuana can crawl under the fence and
give birth to Pedro in San Ysidro, Calif., and Pedro can grow to become
President of the United States EVEN THOUGH Maria was apprehended for being
an illegal alien and sent home. She would reasonably take little Pedro with
her to raise him in Mexico, yet he could still grow up to become president.

You can thank the 14th Amendment for the possibility of Pedro becoming
president some day.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 02:55:55 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
The Constitutional requirement is that the President be natural born in the
USA, not an immigrant. Immigrants that become naturalized to gain
citizenship are not allowed to become President of the United States, but if
they have children that are born here then those children can become
In order to be natural born, he must have parents BOTH of whom are citizens
(they may be naturalized as long as it occured before the child's birth).
Obama Jr. FAILS this part because his father was never a U.S. citizen.

A child, born to immigrant parents AFTER both have naturalized, does
qualify. However, that does NOT describe Obama's situation.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Sadly, Maria from a dusty shack in Tiajuana can crawl under the fence and
give birth to Pedro in San Ysidro, Calif., and Pedro can grow to become
President of the United States EVEN THOUGH Maria was apprehended for being
an illegal alien and sent home. She would reasonably take little Pedro with
her to raise him in Mexico, yet he could still grow up to become president.
WRONG! Such a child is not a U.S. citizen at all. There is no birthplace
citizenship. The 14th Amendment has TWO requirements, and [illegal] alien
parents fail to meet the second: "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
(Legal resident aliens also fail.)

In order for a child to be born a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, he must have
at least one citizen parent (so as to be "subject to the jursidiction" as
it is used in the 14th, per the Congressional record of its debate prior to
ratification). A child of two aliens born on U.S. soil is an ALIEN, NOT A
U.S. CITIZEN. The alien parents need NOT have diplomatic status for this
Post by Jeff Strickland
You can thank the 14th Amendment for the possibility of Pedro becoming
president some day.
The 14th says no such thing.

Regardless, the 14th states who is a mere citizen. It does NOT state who
is a natural born citizen. There are U.S. citizens at birth who are NOT
natural born citizens (i.e. those who have only one citizen parent).
Jeff Strickland
2010-11-16 16:18:49 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
The Constitutional requirement is that the President be natural born in
Post by Jeff Strickland
USA, not an immigrant. Immigrants that become naturalized to gain
citizenship are not allowed to become President of the United States, but
Post by Jeff Strickland
they have children that are born here then those children can become
In order to be natural born, he must have parents BOTH of whom are citizens
(they may be naturalized as long as it occured before the child's birth).
Obama Jr. FAILS this part because his father was never a U.S. citizen.
A child, born to immigrant parents AFTER both have naturalized, does
qualify. However, that does NOT describe Obama's situation.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Sadly, Maria from a dusty shack in Tiajuana can crawl under the fence and
give birth to Pedro in San Ysidro, Calif., and Pedro can grow to become
President of the United States EVEN THOUGH Maria was apprehended for
Post by Jeff Strickland
an illegal alien and sent home. She would reasonably take little Pedro
Post by Jeff Strickland
her to raise him in Mexico, yet he could still grow up to become
WRONG! Such a child is not a U.S. citizen at all. There is no birthplace
citizenship. The 14th Amendment has TWO requirements, and [illegal] alien
parents fail to meet the second: "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
(Legal resident aliens also fail.)
In order for a child to be born a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, he must have
at least one citizen parent (so as to be "subject to the jursidiction" as
it is used in the 14th, per the Congressional record of its debate prior to
ratification). A child of two aliens born on U.S. soil is an ALIEN, NOT A
U.S. CITIZEN. The alien parents need NOT have diplomatic status for this
Post by Jeff Strickland
You can thank the 14th Amendment for the possibility of Pedro becoming
president some day.
The 14th says no such thing.
Regardless, the 14th states who is a mere citizen. It does NOT state who
is a natural born citizen. There are U.S. citizens at birth who are NOT
natural born citizens (i.e. those who have only one citizen parent).
How does such a clear violation of the Constitutional Requirements go

There has to be something seriously wrong with your argument, OR there is
nobody anywhere that plays gatekeeper to keep the riffraff out of the Oval

I can't imagine that the Conservative Right -- Limbaugh, Hannnity, Beck, et
al -- would spend so much time on issues of Jerimiah Wright and Bill Ayers,
and all of the others IF there was any validity to your claims of what it
takes to be a natural born citizen, and therefore a candidate that meets the
Constitutional Requirements. This would be like nobody opposing JFK because
he was only 34 instead of 35. (JFK put off his run for the Oval Office
because he wasn't old enough.)

With all of the issues that conservative radio hosts bring to the table in
opposition to Obama, not one of them raises the issue of him not meeting the
Requirements of Office. There is very little love for Obama outside of the
Democrat Party, so if he wasn't qualified through birthright, then one would
think that his detractors would be onboard with the birthright challenges
that you say exist.

I think the only birthright challenge is against the claim that he was born
in Hawaii, because without being born in the USA his birthright to the
presidency does not exist -- for the reasons you think he does not meet the
requirements anyhow.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 21:56:13 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
The Constitutional requirement is that the President be natural born in
Post by Jeff Strickland
USA, not an immigrant. Immigrants that become naturalized to gain
citizenship are not allowed to become President of the United States, but
Post by Jeff Strickland
they have children that are born here then those children can become
In order to be natural born, he must have parents BOTH of whom are citizens
(they may be naturalized as long as it occured before the child's birth).
Obama Jr. FAILS this part because his father was never a U.S. citizen.
A child, born to immigrant parents AFTER both have naturalized, does
qualify. However, that does NOT describe Obama's situation.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Sadly, Maria from a dusty shack in Tiajuana can crawl under the fence and
give birth to Pedro in San Ysidro, Calif., and Pedro can grow to become
President of the United States EVEN THOUGH Maria was apprehended for
Post by Jeff Strickland
an illegal alien and sent home. She would reasonably take little Pedro
Post by Jeff Strickland
her to raise him in Mexico, yet he could still grow up to become
WRONG! Such a child is not a U.S. citizen at all. There is no birthplace
citizenship. The 14th Amendment has TWO requirements, and [illegal] alien
parents fail to meet the second: "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
(Legal resident aliens also fail.)
In order for a child to be born a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, he must have
at least one citizen parent (so as to be "subject to the jursidiction" as
it is used in the 14th, per the Congressional record of its debate
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
ratification). A child of two aliens born on U.S. soil is an ALIEN, NOT A
U.S. CITIZEN. The alien parents need NOT have diplomatic status for this
Post by Jeff Strickland
You can thank the 14th Amendment for the possibility of Pedro becoming
president some day.
The 14th says no such thing.
Regardless, the 14th states who is a mere citizen. It does NOT state who
is a natural born citizen. There are U.S. citizens at birth who are NOT
natural born citizens (i.e. those who have only one citizen parent).
How does such a clear violation of the Constitutional Requirements go
It's NOT unnoticed. 30 law suits around the country challenging his
eligibility are proof of such.

Did you really expect a DEMOCRAT-controlled Congress to declare their own
party's presidental candidate as ineligible?

On their nomination forms for 49 states (not Hawaii), the Democrats did NOT
certify that Obama was eligible, as they have done with their candidates in
prior years, and as the Republicans and the other 4 minor parties all did
in 2008. That's because the Democrats knew he was NOT eligible but they
didn't want perjury to be a reason for invalidating the election, so they
chose to omit the statement. With such election fraud uncovered, Joseph
Biden (as co-runner for VP) and Nancy Pelosi (as the DNC convention chair)
would also be removed from office as they were in on it. That would leave
the Senate Pro-Temp, at the time, Robert Byrd, who has since died, as next
in line. Due to his health issues, he would not have been expected to
assume the office. This is why Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State -
because she's next - and was given that job in payment for her silence on
the issue. SoS is the top appointed position in the chain of succession.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There has to be something seriously wrong with your argument, OR there is
nobody anywhere that plays gatekeeper to keep the riffraff out of the Oval
The ineffective Federal Election Commission and the Electoral College are
the failed gatekeepers. I've already addressed above why Congress failed.
Post by Jeff Strickland
I can't imagine that the Conservative Right -- Limbaugh, Hannnity, Beck, et
al -- would spend so much time on issues of Jerimiah Wright and Bill Ayers,
and all of the others IF there was any validity to your claims of what it
takes to be a natural born citizen, and therefore a candidate that meets the
Constitutional Requirements. This would be like nobody opposing JFK because
he was only 34 instead of 35. (JFK put off his run for the Oval Office
because he wasn't old enough.)
Because the left-wing mainstream press had declared that anyone challenging
Obama's eligibility is either racist or a wacko "birther." However, that
does not mean that these people are wrong.

The Constitution itself does not forbid an ineligible candidate from being
on the ballot for an office or from being elected. It only forbids (or
defers) the ineligible elected from actually assuming office until
eligibility is secured. For an underage elected or one who doesn't meet
the residency requirement, once those requirements are met, the elected may
be sworn in. However, "natural born status" is a permanent condition which
cannot be later gained when lacking.
Post by Jeff Strickland
With all of the issues that conservative radio hosts bring to the table in
opposition to Obama, not one of them raises the issue of him not meeting the
Requirements of Office. There is very little love for Obama outside of the
Democrat Party, so if he wasn't qualified through birthright, then one would
think that his detractors would be onboard with the birthright challenges
that you say exist.
See above. Also, the radio hosts HAVE raised the issue in the past.
Although TV, not radio, why do you think Lou Dobbs left CNN?

John McCain admits now that not challenging Obama's qualifications is one
of his biggest mistakes, right behind having selected Palin as his running
mate. However, McCain had his own problem, which was explored and vetted,
and a determination was made that he was (and is) eligible as a natural
citizen under the military exception.
Post by Jeff Strickland
I think the only birthright challenge is against the claim that he was born
in Hawaii, because without being born in the USA his birthright to the
presidency does not exist -- for the reasons you think he does not meet the
requirements anyhow.
Even if born in Hawaii, he still isn't eligible. Note that for what
response Obama has given, he merely alleges that he's a U.S. citizen. He
has NEVER said that he's a natural born U.S. citizen, and even if he had,
most people do not seem to understand that there's a difference.

A birth certificate is NOT proof of citizenship. Although it may record
the names, birthplaces, etc., of the parents, nowhere is the parents'
citizenship(s) recorded. Birthplace alone is not sufficient for
citizenship under the 14th Amendment. "Subject to the jurisdiction" means
having at least one [U.S.] citizen parent. Jurisdiction doesn't mean just
"territorial control" as it does in civil law or criminal procedure. It
means the ability to assert control - e.g. compel conscription by military
draft. A country can legally draft only its own citizens, and that example
is why "jurisdiction" means having a citizen parent. See the Congressional
Record regarding the discussion of the amendment for details.

Proof of citizenship is as follows (simplified version - not 100%
accurate): If one is not himself naturalized, one must recurse through
one's ancestors until finding: 1) a naturalized ancestor, 2) an "original
citizen" - one who was a permanent resident of the 13 Colonies on the date
of ratification of the Constitution, or 3) a citizen of a state on the date
it is admitted into the union (Article IV, Section 2). Of course, any
ancestor renouncing their citizenship before having children would not
count. Such is the only way to know that one has U.S. citizenship at
birth - to prove a chain of citizenship back to one of those. Out of that
list, only an "original citizen" could be President (per the grandfather
clause of Article II, section 4).

Obama, if proven to be born in Hawaii*, was a U.S. citizen at birth --
because he was born in country to a citizen parent. However, he will never
have "natural citizen" status because his parents had differing
citizenships. Under the laws of his alien parent's country, Obama Jr. is
ALSO a citizen of Great Britain (3 years later converted to Kenyan), and is
thus a dual citizen, not a natural citizen. Then there's the mess with
international adoption laws that changed his citizenship when his
Indonesian step-father legally adopted him. Per Indonesia, his new
country, Obama Jr.'s U.S. citizenship was surrendered as Indonesia does not
permit dual citizenship at all. When Obama returned to the U.S., he
committed immigration fraud, declaring that he was [still] a U.S. citizen
when he wasn't, but even if he had regained U.S. citizenship, he'd be a
naturalized citizen now because any "natural born citizenship" status he
might have had was lost by the act of adoption. No matter how one looks at
it, Obama is not now a "natural citizen" of the U.S. and is therefore

* - The alleged "Hawaiian CoLB" is either a forgery or improperly
prepared(**) and thus void, as it contains no attestment section on its
face as required by defintion of a certificate. Regardless, some people
look at the law behind the document and note that such a document can be
issued for children NOT born in Hawaii as long as a parent can prove
Hawaiian residency for the year immediately preceding the birth. People
("birthers") have challenged this because they note that if he was not
actually born in Hawaii as claimed, his mother lacked sufficient age to
pass her citizenship and thus Obama Jr. was not a U.S. citizen at his birth
(whether solely or in combination with other citizenship(s) he may have
had). If not born a U.S. citizen, his "natural born" status need not even
be examined.

** - Would you accept a diploma (a special type of certificate indicating
completion of a level of education) with a signature on the back? Of
course NOT. We all know that valid certificates (regardless of type) are
signed on their face.

All of this has been repeated ad nauseum in the political newsgroups for
the past two years. If you can't pay attention, then STFU.
Jeff Strickland
2010-11-16 04:08:02 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships, that child
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception that E.
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II, paragraph 5.
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be convicted of
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.

You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.

There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.

His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.

The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
2010-11-17 06:59:53 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not.
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the
ballot in
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible.
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not
also a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he
Post by Jeff Strickland
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been
presented --
Post by Jeff Strickland
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are
Post by Jeff Strickland
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American
Post by Jeff Strickland
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii,
Post by Jeff Strickland
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the
Post by Jeff Strickland
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the
Post by Jeff Strickland
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then
Post by Jeff Strickland
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.
Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.
Are all your facts this wrong?
Yes. It apparently hasn't sunk in that the "facts" as he understands
them are exactly what those judges who've bothered to read the pitifully
inaccurate briefs and writs ruled against.

No basis in law. No facts in evidence.

He, along with others batting their heads against the wall...by now,
literally...are even attempting to talk down Judge Scalia, and dispute
his position.

It's become an obsession bordering on delirium. Not unlike that which
drives Squirrely Orly Taitz. She's tried the same arguments...as have
most of the loser lawyers. Quoting or citing Vattel is a testament to
the cluelessness of the pseudo-Constitutional scholars.
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
2010-11-17 18:07:34 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
<snipped and summarized Stussy's stuff and the to-ing and fro-ing,
without animous or contention, but for expediency's sake:

"I know better than at least 3 of the Justices of the Supreme Court of
the United States...every other judge at different levels...federal and
state included...who have read the writs/briefs...and I still continue
to believe Vattel is applicable, when...in fact...he couldn't be more
irrelevant, as has already been decided on and ruled Even though this
bloody raw dead horse has been beaten and discussed, ad nauseum in
various newsgroups for at least 2 years...and the birthers have
lost...and the BQ has been exposed for the loon that she is, I refuse to
accept President Barack Hussein Obama as being the duly elected, 44th
President of the United States, as well as the Commander-in-Chief and
Leader of the free world, and further, I refuse to STFU. >

That would seem to sum it up?

This is not an attempt to dispute, refute or repudiate...or
rebut-a-nut...on this ng...or anywhere else...as was previously pledged.

However: For the eleventeen gazillionth time. President Obama was
never adopted by Soetero. His Kenyan dual citizenship expired at
majority, so it makes no difference that his father wasn't a U.S.
citizen...nor does it matter that President Obama was a dual citizen at
birth. Further, he pledged no oath to any other country...nor did he
renounce his U.S. "natural born"citizenship...nor was he required to
pledge an oath to the U.S. of A., since it's automatic.

A dillar, a dollar...find yourself a Constitutional scholar?

Up to you, of course...and anyone else who chooses to continue to
publicly beat the dead horse, as well as advertise their lack of
understanding of the Constitution and the case, as it was foolishly and
friviolously filed the first time...up to the present.

Good day, everyone...
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.
D. Stussy
2010-11-16 22:03:44 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is
not a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point.
Having a
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent
Post by Jeff Strickland
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be
Post by Jeff Strickland
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at
Post by Jeff Strickland
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon
Post by Jeff Strickland
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born
Post by Jeff Strickland
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified
Post by Jeff Strickland
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs
to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.
The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II,
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.
This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.
The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
I am not an Obama supporter, not by any stretch of the imagination. So,
don't labor under the idea that I think he's God's gift to mankind or
anythign like that.
You seem to be saying that there is no circumstance that Obama meets the
birthright requirements for the Presidency, while I am saying that he does
meet the requirements, assuming they are as they have been presented -- that
he was born in Hawaii.
Correct: I have said that he does not qualify and cannot qualify.
Post by Jeff Strickland
There is ample room for doubt that the conditions of his birth are accurate,
and if inaccurate then his birthright requirement may not have been
fulfilled. But if he was in fact born in Hawaii of an American mother, then
he has the birthright to become Prez. If he was not born in Hawaii, and not
in the USA, then his mother does not meet the requirements to pass her
birthright to her son, therefore he's unable to meet the requirements. The
discussion of his father is a non-starter here.
Wrong. The [dis-]qualification is not based on being born in the U.S. to a
citizen parent. His disqualification is because he was [also] born to an
ALIEN parent, and thus does not and cannot have "natural [U.S.] citizen"
Post by Jeff Strickland
His mother does not meet the requirements because she is required to have
lived continuously inside the USA for 5 years after attaining the ripe old
age of 14 years. Her parents took her out of the USA for a portion of the
time since she turned 14, and she was only 19 when her son was born. She
cannot pass her birthright to her son because she simply doesn't pass the
test to do so. But if her son was in fact born inside the USA, then he has
the Constitutional Requirements met.
One does not need to consider where she was. You are wrong as to her age
at his birth. She was only 18. Assuming a full term of 39 weeks, she
conceived 3 weeks before her 18th birthday (age 17). As she had not even
LIVED 5 years after her 14th birthday, that is the reason why she cannot
pass her citizenship to her child.

Even if born in Hawaii, Obama Jr. FAILS the Constitutional requirements.
With an alien father, he does not have "natural born citizen" status.

Are all your facts this wrong?
Post by Jeff Strickland
The whole birthright thing was specifically spelled out in 1795.
And you still can't understand it correctly.

D. Stussy
2010-11-16 00:48:14 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Bob LeChevalier
Post by D. Stussy
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted
Let's see -- does he have a passport?
ANY U.S. citizen may obtain a U.S. passport.
Only a "natural born" U.S. citizen may be President.
Obama, having parents of differing citizenships, cannot be and is not a
natural citizen of ANY country.
That is not the law in this country.
I don't agree with Bob very often, but he's right on this point. Having a
passport does not make one a citizen, and having parents of mixed
citizenship does not deny one of his citizenship.
With that said, Obama's qualification to be President lies in his
birthplace. He MUST have been born in Hawaii to gain birthright
Post by Jeff Strickland
because his mother does not qualify to grant him citizenship if he was
Post by Jeff Strickland
outside of the USA.
Citizenship at birth is NOT the requirement. "Natural citizen" status at
birth is.
A natural citizen is one where there can be no doubt as to which
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
belongs. When parents of a child are of differing citizenships, that child
cannot be a natural citizen and is almost always a dual citizen, which is
excluded fromt he Presidency.
For Obama Jr., it doesn't matter if he's born in Hawaii or not. His
father's alien status denies Jr. natural born citizen status.
Anybody is a natural citizen IF both parents are citizens. If one parent is
a citizen AND that parent meets certain tests, then the child is also a
citizen. If the person is born inside the United States, he is a citizen
without regard to the status of the parents.
I didn't affirmatively say that Obama Jr was not a citizen. I said he's
not a NATURAL citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even though
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't. He's not a natural citizen as the Constitution requires.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Assuming Obama was born outside of the United States, he could be president
IF either of his parents met the conditions of any of several tests at the
time of his birth. Neither of his parents meet any of the tests.
So, Obama's qualification by birthright to become president hinges upon his
birth actually taking place inside of the USA. Having a foreign-born parent
is not a disqualification for natural born status. You can thank the 14th
Amendment for that one. We have a very real possibility (due to the 14th
Amendment) of a child of illegal immigrants being allowed to become
President of the United States. A mexican woman can crawl under the fence
and enter the USA, give birth within the hour, and the child is qualified to
become president by birthright.
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status, because the
child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.

Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen. The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military (as such, the child does
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception that E.
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.

If the requirement were to simply be born a citizen, there would be no need
for the word "natural" to appear as part of the qualification for
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Jeff Strickland
I believe that American needs a vetting process to ensure that any person
who wants to become a candidate for President of the United States of
America is a qualified candidate. The controversy swirling around Obama's
birthright qualification shows us that there is a problem that needs to be
Even the Constitution itself recognizes (in advance) that there may be
candidates elected to office that don't qualify.
Unqualified how?
By any means:
- Not being a natural born U.S. citizen.
- Not having reached his 35th birthday by the date to take office.
- Not having resided in the U.S. for the required period (14 years).
- Death or incapacity before the term of service begins.

The vice-president-elect shall become president in those cases.
(20th Amendment, Section 3; ratified in 1933)

This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Perhaps birthright should be discussed here as a requirement of the
presidency, not a qualification. No candidate should come before the
electorate that does not meet the requirements of the office.
It is already a requirement. Read the Constitution. Art. II, paragraph 5.
A non-"natural born citizen" is not even eligible to hold the office.

This is why the Democratic party, when nominating him for the ballot in 49
of our states (not Hawaii) did not certifiy that he was eligible. They
(the party leaders) knew he was not, an they didn't want to be convicted of
perjury. Note that the Republican party in 2008, and the Democrats in 2004
and earlier elections DID certify that their candidates were qualified.

The issue is not whether Obama Jr. is a U.S. citizen. He may be (if proven
born in Hawaii*).
The issue is that Obama Jr, even if a U.S. citizen at birth, is not also a
NATURAL citizen as required by the Constitution.

* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
Bob LeChevalier
2010-11-17 14:06:19 UTC
Post by Jeff Strickland
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain can be president because his parents were both citizens, even
Post by Jeff Strickland
McCain himself was not born inside of the United States.
Assuming Obama was born inside the United States, he can be president
without regard to the status of his father or his mother.
No, he can't.
He is president, therefore you are WRONG.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Having an alien parent does DISQUALIFY natural citizen status,
Post by Jeff Strickland
because the child is certainly a dual- or tri-citizen.
Not relevant.

If the suddenly improvised state of Bedlam declares that all human
beings in the world are citizens of Bedlam, and that citizenship in
Bedlam cannot be renounced, then everyone who is a citizen of the US
is a dual-citizen.

And their eligibility or ineligibility for the office of President
isn't changed.
Post by Jeff Strickland
Only when all three possible citizenships (jus soli - birthplace, and jus
sanguis - inherited from each parent) all align to the same is a person a
natural citizen.
Post by Jeff Strickland
The only given exception to place is when the child is
born to a parent serving his country's military
Why that exception and not others?

(as such, the child does
Post by Jeff Strickland
not qualify as a citizen of the occupied country but of the occupiers).
McCain was the perfect example of the military birthplace exception that E.
deVattel stated in his book two centuries earlier.
de Vattel is irrelevant

(odd how some of you extremists denounce the concept of the US paying
heed to international sources of law except when it suits the ax that
you are trying to grind).
Post by Jeff Strickland
This is why Joseph Biden is the proper 44th President of the U.S.
Sorry, but the guy who signs the Executive Orders is the President.
Post by Jeff Strickland
* - There is doubt as to the authenticity of the alleged Hawaiian CoLB as
it lacks a proper attestment and is therefore facially void, whether
accurate or not.
It is at least as good as the documentation that was provided for all
prior presidents of the US (since I doubt that any of them even
provided as much as that document).

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist
***@lojban.org Lojban language www.lojban.org