DREAM Act fails in Senate -- Merry Christmas
(too old to reply)
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-18 17:12:48 UTC
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with the
proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to provide a
pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the
U.S. as children.

The vote was 55 to 41.
2010-12-18 17:44:25 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with the
proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to provide a
pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the
U.S. as children.
The vote was 55 to 41.
Thank god. Not that this will stop them from trying again.
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-18 19:09:29 UTC
Post by Thanatos
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with the
proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to provide a
pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the
U.S. as children.
The vote was 55 to 41.
Thank god. Not that this will stop them from trying again.
With Republicans taking over the House in a few weeks, the "DREAM" act
(and bullshit like this) is now a nightmare for illegals and their
2010-12-18 19:22:37 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Thanatos
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with the
proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to provide a
pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the
U.S. as children.
The vote was 55 to 41.
Thank god. Not that this will stop them from trying again.
With Republicans taking over the House in a few weeks, the "DREAM" act
(and bullshit like this) is now a nightmare for illegals and their
The Republicans want the border closed first. THEN they'll discuss other
aspects of Immigration...except amnesty.
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-18 19:05:37 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with the
proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to provide a
pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the
U.S. as children.
The vote was 55 to 41.
Score one for the ignorant bigots, who can't figure out why their
country is falling.
What country is that, Zepp?

The United States of America is doing just great, thank you.

Canada, not so much.

Now - as a Canuck, YOU are probably the only one "failing". But you've
always been a failure.

It sucks to be you, Zepp. hahahahahahaha
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-18 22:31:57 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with
the >> > proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to
provide a >> > pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants
who came to the >> > U.S. as children.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The vote was 55 to 41.
Score one for the ignorant bigots, who can't figure out why their
country is falling.
What country is that, Zepp?
The one you used to be a member of, bubbles.
Not sure about being "a member", Zepp (that's not how America works,
alien [perhaps still illegal]).

I am a CITIZEN of The United States of America and MY country is doing
just great, thank you.

Canada, not so much.
You might want to double check that in the financial pages, bubbles.
Just did... Canucks aren't doing as well as we are, Zepp. But you
already knew that.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Now - as a Canuck, YOU are probably the only one "failing". But
you've always been a failure.
Ah, poor bubbles.
Ah, poor Zepp.
Go back to celebrating.
It's a very Merry Christmas, Zepp. I'm a CITIZEN of the USA.
Your pitiful little whelps will have less
competition to get into college.

Been there, done that.

It STILL sucks to be you, Zepp. hahahahahahaha

Oh by the way... if, again, you choose the coward's way out and "PLONK"
me -- this will be the fifth (5th) time you've punked out, punk.

Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-18 22:35:45 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The United States of America is doing just great, thank you.
Canada, not so much.
Oh really?
Yes, really.
Last I checked, our economy mostly tottered along OK and
is well into recovery, while yours went directly down the shitter
thanks to your country's laxer bank regulations, Yank!
You have your head up your ass. But of course you have, you're a Canuck.

2010-12-19 17:07:14 UTC
Last I checked, our economy mostly tottered along OK and
is well into recovery, while yours went directly down the shitter
thanks to your country's laxer bank regulations, Yank!
[insults and anti-Canuck slurs deleted]
Go to hell, you lying fuckwad!
"I hope there are a lot of hardcore scenes in it. There should be more
of those in film and theatre as well." -- Stephen Newport in
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-19 17:29:50 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The United States of America is doing just great, thank you.
Canada, not so much.
Oh really?
Yes, really.
Last I checked, our economy mostly tottered along OK and
is well into recovery, while yours went directly down the shitter
thanks to your country's laxer bank regulations, Yank!
[insults and ethnic slurs deleted]
Insults - yes, "ethnic slurs" - no === restored

You have your head up your ass. But of course you have, you're a Canuck.

Liar. Go to hell, corksucker!
Typical Canuck... a coward and a fag too.

2010-12-19 17:41:34 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Last I checked, our economy mostly tottered along OK and
is well into recovery, while yours went directly down the shitter
thanks to your country's laxer bank regulations, Yank!
[insults and ethnic slurs deleted]
[insults and slurs deleted]
What do your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claims have to do
with OS/2, corksucker?
Liar. Go to hell, corksucker!
[further insults and slurs deleted]
What do your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claims have to do
with OS/2, corksucker?
"I hope there are a lot of hardcore scenes in it. There should be more
of those in film and theatre as well." -- Stephen Newport in
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-19 18:20:24 UTC
Post by Extravagan
Last I checked, our economy mostly tottered along OK and
is well into recovery, while yours went directly down the
shitter thanks to your country's laxer bank regulations, Yank!
[repeated insults and slurs deleted]
Insults - yes, "ethnic slurs" - no === restored

You have your head up your ass. But of course you have, you're a Canuck.

Post by Extravagan
What do your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claims have to do
with OS/2, corksucker?
You are a typical Canuck... a coward, a fag & pretty stupid too.

Who the fuck is talking about OS/2, dumbass?

2010-12-20 02:43:14 UTC
[numerous insults and slurs deleted]
None of that was true.
"I hope there are a lot of hardcore scenes in it. There should be more
of those in film and theatre as well." -- Stephen Newport in
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 12:04:03 UTC
Post by Extravagan
[numerous insults and some ethnic slurs deleted]
Insults - yes, "ethnic slurs" - no === restored

You have your head up your ass. But of course you have, you're a Canuck.


You are a typical Canuck... a coward, a fag & pretty stupid too.
Post by Extravagan
None of that was true.
Mumblings of an idiot noted.

Stop being a brain dead moron, will you?
2010-12-20 19:31:36 UTC
[numerous insults and some ethnic slurs deleted]
Go fuck yourself, liar.
"I hope there are a lot of hardcore scenes in it. There should be more
of those in film and theatre as well." -- Stephen Newport in
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 19:48:33 UTC
[numerous insults and some ethnic slurs deleted]
Insults - yes, "ethnic slurs" - no === restored

You have your head up your ass. But of course you have, you're a

You are a typical Canuck... a coward, a fag & pretty stupid too.
None of that was true.
Mumblings of an idiot noted.

Stop being a brain dead moron, will you?
Not true at all.
True... and now confirmed.

Thanks for playing, idiot.
2010-12-20 20:31:58 UTC
[vicious nonsense deleted]
Ah, I see you are a great believer in the rhetorical power of the
"argumentum ad nauseam" fallacy, wherein you seem to think if you simply
repeat yourself over and over again, despite being debunked over and
over again, eventually people will believe you.

Sorry, but you have to actually back up your claims with a little
something we like to call "evidence". When called on the unsubstantiated
and erroneous nature of your claims, simply repeating them won't
magically fix the errors in them. Oh, no.
"I hope there are a lot of hardcore scenes in it. There should be more
of those in film and theatre as well." -- Stephen Newport in
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 20:48:43 UTC
Post by Extravagan
[numerous insults and other bullshit deleted]
Insults - yes, other bullshit - no === restored

You have your head up your ass. But of course you have, you're a


You are a typical Canuck... a coward, a fag & pretty stupid too.
Post by Extravagan
None of that was true.
Mumblings of an idiot noted.

Stop being a brain dead moron, will you?
Post by Extravagan
Ah, I see you are a great believer in the rhetorical power of the
"argumentum ad nauseam" fallacy, wherein you seem to think if you
simply repeat yourself over and over again, despite being debunked
over and over again, eventually people will believe you.
Boy, are you a moron, aren't you?

Do you have any idea what a "moron" is, moron?

Don't hurt yourself. Please don't do that.


Now... let's see how smart you are, shall we...

2010-12-20 21:01:40 UTC
Extravagan [numerous vicious insults deleted]
Perhaps I need to be more blunt in order to knock some sense into that
thick skull of yours.

"I hope there are a lot of hardcore scenes in it. There should be more
of those in film and theatre as well." -- Stephen Newport in
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-21 00:14:49 UTC
Post by Extravagan
[vicious insults deleted]
Insults - yes, other bullshit - no === restored

You have your head up your ass. But of course you have, you're a


You are a typical Canuck... a coward, a fag & pretty stupid too.
Post by Extravagan
None of that was true.
Mumblings of an idiot noted.

Stop being a brain dead moron, will you?
Post by Extravagan
Perhaps I need to be more blunt in order to knock some sense into
that thick skull of yours.
Post by Extravagan
No, I'm not. You're just as stupid as I say you are. Some folks tell
you this right to your face; others laugh behind your back. In any case
-- it's reality time, moron.
Post by Extravagan
No, I'm not. Compared to America, Canada is "second" best.

And I'm being very kind here.
Post by Extravagan
Those voices in your pinhead won't leave you alone.

Merry Christmas.

2010-12-24 02:41:45 UTC
[numerous vicious insults deleted]
Go fuck yourself. With a chainsaw. And no lubricant.
"I hope there are a lot of hardcore scenes in it. There should be more
of those in film and theatre as well." -- Stephen Newport in
Ashton Crusher
2010-12-19 00:39:04 UTC
On 18 Dec 2010 20:05:37 +0100, "Knifefight Afterdance"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with the
proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to provide a
pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the
U.S. as children.
The vote was 55 to 41.
Score one for the ignorant bigots, who can't figure out why their
country is falling.
What country is that, Zepp?
The United States of America is doing just great, thank you.
Canada, not so much.
Now - as a Canuck, YOU are probably the only one "failing". But you've
always been a failure.
It sucks to be you, Zepp. hahahahahahaha
Don't forget Mexico, it's doing SOOOoooooo well.
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-19 17:32:44 UTC
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 14:49:51 -0800, "5867 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 13:34:48 -0800 (PST), Sheldon Cooper
On Dec 18, 9:35 am, "5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with
the >>> > proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to
provide a >>> > pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants
who came to the U.S. >>> > as children.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The vote was 55 to 41.
Score one for the ignorant bigots, who can't figure out why their
country >>> is falling.
What America desperately needs now is yet another dozen or so
million untrained laborers to further burden our educational,
welfare and medical system.
As if wasting all that schooling on Americans so they can just go
out and become teabaggers wasn't bad enough.
Jamieson sure wasted his education..
"When I was In high school, I loved getting drunk and tearing
around in the mountains of Central California."
--David B.(Zepp) Jamieson Dec 7 1999
I really like the fact that you can produce these gems from Zepp.
2010-12-20 01:13:35 UTC
On 19 Dec 2010 18:32:44 +0100, "Knifefight Afterdance"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 14:49:51 -0800, "5867 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 13:34:48 -0800 (PST), Sheldon Cooper
On Dec 18, 9:35 am, "5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with
the >>> > proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to
provide a >>> > pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants
who came to the U.S. >>> > as children.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The vote was 55 to 41.
Score one for the ignorant bigots, who can't figure out why their
country >>> is falling.
What America desperately needs now is yet another dozen or so
million untrained laborers to further burden our educational,
welfare and medical system.
As if wasting all that schooling on Americans so they can just go
out and become teabaggers wasn't bad enough.
Jamieson sure wasted his education..
"When I was In high school, I loved getting drunk and tearing
around in the mountains of Central California."
--David B.(Zepp) Jamieson Dec 7 1999
I really like the fact that you can produce these gems from Zepp.
and I enjoy posting them..

"Several of us know who he is these days, you see. "
David B. Jamieson (Zepp)

Canyon Note: Sooooo, who am I, these days, Dummy?
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 02:15:23 UTC
On Dec 18, 12:12 pm, "Knifefight Afterdance"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed with
the >>> proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest push to
provide a >>> pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants
who came to the >>> U.S. as children.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The vote was 55 to 41.
That was a swift kick in the teeth for Harry Reid
That was 55 FOR and 41 opposed, rightard bigot.
It's the last gasp of the socialist Congress.
Thank God, America came to its senses and sent the Socialists packing.
In two weeks, you lose the House, and six Senate seats.
Obama, the Socialist, knows this to be true only too well.
Oh, and 22 Democrat Senators are up
for re-election in in 22 months - most of them in red states.
2011 should be a very interesting year, indeed.
2012 will be a banner year for Conservatives.

I cannot wait.
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 11:36:41 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
On Dec 18, 12:12 pm, "Knifefight Afterdance"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed
with >> > the >>> proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest
push to >> > provide a >>> pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal
immigrants who >> > came to the >>> U.S. as children.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The vote was 55 to 41.
That was a swift kick in the teeth for Harry Reid
That was 55 FOR and 41 opposed, rightard bigot.
It's the last gasp of the socialist Congress.
Thank God, America came to its senses and sent the Socialists packing.
In two weeks, you lose the House, and six Senate seats.
Obama, the Socialist, knows this to be true only too well.
Oh, and 22 Democrat Senators are up
for re-election in in 22 months - most of them in red states.
2011 should be a very interesting year, indeed.
2012 will be a banner year for Conservatives.
I cannot wait.
Maybe your worthless children can get jobs as work camp guards.
And here we all see the flaw (I say - FATAL FLAW) with Zepp.

Who is to say that "my worthless children" hold or will hold the same
opinions as I. Just look at Ronald Reagan and Ronnie Reagan Jr. Zepp is
pretty stupid.

Yet, Zepp -- ever the hate-filled mongrel -- projects his hatred on
youth he will never know.

Not only is this piece of shit full of hate, Zepp is also full of shit.

Typical liberal -- if you ask me.
2010-12-20 11:50:09 UTC
On 20 Dec 2010 12:36:41 +0100, "Knifefight Afterdance"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
On Dec 18, 12:12 pm, "Knifefight Afterdance"
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Democrats failed to muster the 60 votes needed to proceed
with >> > the >>> proposed DREAM Act, effectively ending the latest
push to >> > provide a >>> pathway for U.S. citizenship for illegal
immigrants who >> > came to the >>> U.S. as children.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
The vote was 55 to 41.
That was a swift kick in the teeth for Harry Reid
That was 55 FOR and 41 opposed, rightard bigot.
It's the last gasp of the socialist Congress.
Thank God, America came to its senses and sent the Socialists packing.
In two weeks, you lose the House, and six Senate seats.
Obama, the Socialist, knows this to be true only too well.
Oh, and 22 Democrat Senators are up
for re-election in in 22 months - most of them in red states.
2011 should be a very interesting year, indeed.
2012 will be a banner year for Conservatives.
I cannot wait.
Maybe your worthless children can get jobs as work camp guards.
And here we all see the flaw (I say - FATAL FLAW) with Zepp.
Who is to say that "my worthless children" hold or will hold the same
opinions as I. Just look at Ronald Reagan and Ronnie Reagan Jr. Zepp is
pretty stupid.
Yet, Zepp -- ever the hate-filled mongrel -- projects his hatred on
youth he will never know.
Not only is this piece of shit full of hate, Zepp is also full of shit.
Typical liberal -- if you ask me.
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life is
as empty as his head.

the only people who benefit from the communalistic economics that
leftists promote are the lazy, irresponible bottom feeders and
the power hungry community organizers.
2010-12-20 17:13:10 UTC
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life is
as empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09
2010-12-20 17:26:23 UTC
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life is as
empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Steve does. Trouble is, they were somebody ELSE's children...
Information has never been so free. Even in authoritarian countries
information networks are helping people discover new facts and making
governments more accountable.- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
January 21, 2010
Information has never been so free. Even in authoritarian countries
information networks are helping people discover new facts and making
governments more accountable.- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
January 21, 2010
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 18:04:13 UTC
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life is
as >> empty as his head.
Post by Thanatos
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Steve does.
Good bet, you don't, Zepp. I tremble in fear of such a thought.
Trouble is, they were somebody ELSE's children...
Another lie out of the mouth of the hate-filled, unhinged, uneducated
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 18:27:21 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by 5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life
is >> as >> empty as his head.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by 5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09
Post by Thanatos
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Steve does.
Good bet, you don't, Zepp. I tremble in fear of such a thought.
Post by 5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09
Trouble is, they were somebody ELSE's children...
Another lie out of the mouth of the hate-filled, unhinged,
uneducated Zepp.
Oh, hi, Steve. I see you have a new sockpuppet account for me to
Ahhhh... as 2010 approached, we saw Zepp the liberal coward.

And as 2011 approaches, we see Zepp as the liberal coward he's always
been -- and always will be.


2010-12-20 23:58:49 UTC
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:26:23 -0600, "5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
Post by 5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life is as
empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Oh absolutely...
Post by 5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09
Steve does. Trouble is, they were somebody ELSE's children...
<chuckle> Jamieson has such ugly fantasies... I have two children
and I adopted my sister in law's daughter and raised all three as a
single dad. Now I have six grand-children, one that was very unhappy
about leaving her grandpa earlier today as she boarded the plane to go
back home..

the only people who benefit from the communalistic economics that
leftists promote are the lazy, irresponible bottom feeders and
the power hungry community organizers.
2010-12-21 00:50:46 UTC
Post by Steve
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:26:23 -0600, "5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children.
His life is as empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Oh absolutely...
2010-12-21 01:16:29 UTC
Post by Steve
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:26:23 -0600, "5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children.
His life is as empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Oh absolutely...
Just look at old Zepp.

the only people who benefit from the communalistic economics that
leftists promote are the lazy, irresponible bottom feeders and
the power hungry community organizers.
2010-12-21 02:21:56 UTC
Post by Steve
Post by Steve
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:26:23 -0600, "5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children.
His life is as empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Oh absolutely...
Just look at old Zepp.
I have no idea who that is. Not someone who frequents rec.arts.tv, as
far as I know.

I'm just asking the question in a general sense.
De Lurker
2010-12-21 05:22:38 UTC
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:21:56 -0500, Thanatos wrote:

I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic traffic
into rec.arts.tv.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Pepé Le Jew
2010-12-31 19:48:04 UTC
Post by De Lurker
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic traffic
into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
2011-01-01 00:13:41 UTC
Post by Pepé Le Jew
Post by De Lurker
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic traffic
into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
OMG. You're scary.
5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
2011-01-01 00:23:53 UTC
Post by relic
Post by Pepé Le Jew
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:21:56 -0500, Thanatos wrote: snip
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic
traffic into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
OMG. You're scary.
Former celebrities who have previously posted off-topic to rec.arts.tv:

Judith Miller
Andrew Breitbart
James O'Keefe
Tucker Carlson
Dick Morris
Ann Coulter

The lesson should be clear. Don't be that guy.
Information has never been so free. Even in authoritarian countries
information networks are helping people discover new facts and making
governments more accountable.- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
January 21, 2010
2011-01-01 01:19:17 UTC
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by Pepé Le Jew
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:21:56 -0500, Thanatos wrote: snip
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic
traffic into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
OMG. You're scary.
Judith Miller
Andrew Breitbart
James O'Keefe
Tucker Carlson
Dick Morris
Ann Coulter
The lesson should be clear. Don't be that guy.
Are they all dead? Did you ...KILL THEM ???
5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
2011-01-01 01:37:14 UTC
Post by relic
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by Pepé Le Jew
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:21:56 -0500, Thanatos wrote: snip
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic
traffic into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
OMG. You're scary.
Judith Miller
Andrew Breitbart
James O'Keefe
Tucker Carlson
Dick Morris
Ann Coulter
The lesson should be clear. Don't be that guy.
Are they all dead? Did you ...KILL THEM ???
Just their careers.
Information has never been so free. Even in authoritarian countries
information networks are helping people discover new facts and making
governments more accountable.- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
January 21, 2010
2011-01-01 01:50:14 UTC
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by Pepé Le Jew
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:21:56 -0500, Thanatos wrote: snip
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic
traffic into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
OMG. You're scary.
Judith Miller
Andrew Breitbart
James O'Keefe
Tucker Carlson
Dick Morris
Ann Coulter
The lesson should be clear. Don't be that guy.
Are they all dead? Did you ...KILL THEM ???
Just their careers.
Uhh... they're still doing pretty good. I see them frequently on TV.
Maybe _you_ are impotent at inflicting harming on them.
5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
2011-01-01 02:36:15 UTC
Post by relic
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by Pepé Le Jew
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:21:56 -0500, Thanatos wrote: snip
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic
traffic into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
OMG. You're scary.
Former celebrities who have previously posted off-topic to
Judith Miller
Andrew Breitbart
James O'Keefe
Tucker Carlson
Dick Morris
Ann Coulter
The lesson should be clear. Don't be that guy.
Are they all dead? Did you ...KILL THEM ???
Just their careers.
Uhh... they're still doing pretty good. I see them frequently on TV.
Maybe _you_ are impotent at inflicting harming on them.
You see them on Faux News.

It's to journalists what Regnary Press is to authors. An elephant's
Information has never been so free. Even in authoritarian countries
information networks are helping people discover new facts and making
governments more accountable.- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
January 21, 2010
Information has never been so free. Even in authoritarian countries
information networks are helping people discover new facts and making
governments more accountable.- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
January 21, 2010
2011-01-01 13:23:27 UTC
On Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:37:14 -0600, "5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09"
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by 5872 Dead, 1015 since 1/20/09
Post by relic
Post by Pepé Le Jew
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:21:56 -0500, Thanatos wrote: snip
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic
traffic into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Authorities have been advised.
OMG. You're scary.
Judith Miller
Andrew Breitbart
James O'Keefe
Tucker Carlson
Dick Morris
Ann Coulter
The lesson should be clear. Don't be that guy.
Are they all dead? Did you ...KILL THEM ???
Just their careers.
...and yet they make more each week than poor dumb Zepp will make the
rest of his life...

<chuckle> Imagine that...

2011-01-01 01:25:36 UTC
Post by De Lurker
I see that there continues to be a significant flux of off-topic traffic
into rec.arts.tv.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!
If the constant griping about it didn't happen, maybe it would cease to be
so much fun. Ever think about that?
Of course, in the case of rec.arts.tv, it may take years to undo all their
2010-12-21 10:50:01 UTC
Post by Thanatos
Post by Steve
Post by Steve
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:26:23 -0600, "5864 Dead, 1007 since 1/20/09"
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children.
His life is as empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
Oh absolutely...
Just look at old Zepp.
I have no idea who that is. Not someone who frequents rec.arts.tv, as
far as I know.
He's the obese slob who calls himself a lot of dead...
Post by Thanatos
I'm just asking the question in a general sense.

the only people who benefit from the communalistic economics that
leftists promote are the lazy, irresponible bottom feeders and
the power hungry community organizers.
2010-12-20 18:50:29 UTC
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life is
as empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
One needs to be really stupid to give aid and support to Canyonloon

After having his dumb ass kicked over and over---he's sunk to
following Zepp around just hoping for some "troll treat" that will
make his tail wag
2010-12-20 19:01:25 UTC
Post by Y***@Jurgis.net
Post by Thanatos
Zepp's envy has little bounds... Zepp has no children. His life is
as empty as his head.
One needs children in order to not have an empty life?
One needs to be really stupid to give aid and support to Canyonloon
After having his dumb ass kicked over and over---he's sunk to
following Zepp around just hoping for some "troll treat" that will
make his tail wag
Isn't that what you're doing?
Can you say PKB?
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 17:21:15 UTC
You can only do so much with your DNA.
Put a monkey in a tuxedo, and all you get is a monkey in a tuxedo.

I want to keep this discussion in context:

KA: 2012 will be a banner year for Conservative
KA: I cannot wait.

Zepp: Maybe your worthless children can get jobs as work camp guards.

Knifefight Afterdance's reply:

And here we all see the flaw (I say - FATAL FLAW) with Zepp.

Who is to say that "my worthless children" hold or will hold the same
opinions as I. Just look at Ronald Reagan and Ronnie Reagan Jr. Zepp is
pretty stupid.

Yet, Zepp -- ever the hate-filled mongrel -- projects his hatred on
youth he will never know.

Not only is this piece of shit full of hate, Zepp is also full of shit.

Typical liberal -- if you ask me.


Let's just pretend I were to call President Barack Obama "a monkey"...
would the blockheads (read liberals) call me a "racist"? Of course they
would, they are just not that smart.

Yet hate-filled, unhinged, uneducated and just plain stupid liberals
like Zepp and his ilk can call folks they don't agree with all sort of
invectives and even "border-line" racist slurs and are too dumb to know
what they're doing.

2012 is coming and I'm sure that America is sick of liberal stupidity.
Knifefight Afterdance
2010-12-20 18:21:26 UTC
You >> can only do so much with your DNA.
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Put a monkey in a tuxedo, and all you get is a monkey in a tuxedo.
KA: 2012 will be a banner year for Conservative KA: I cannot wait.
Zepp: Maybe your worthless children can get jobs as work camp guards.
And here we all see the flaw (I say - FATAL FLAW) with Zepp.
Who is to say that "my worthless children" hold or will hold the
same opinions as I. Just look at Ronald Reagan and Ronnie Reagan
Jr. Zepp is pretty stupid.
Yet, Zepp -- ever the hate-filled mongrel -- projects his hatred on
youth he will never know.
Not only is this piece of shit full of hate, Zepp is also full of shit.
Typical liberal -- if you ask me.
Let's just pretend I were to call President Barack Obama "a
monkey"... would the blockheads (read liberals) call me a
"racist"? Of course they would, they are just not that smart.
Yet hate-filled, unhinged, uneducated and just plain stupid liberals
like Zepp and his ilk can call folks they don't agree with all sort
of invectives and even "border-line" racist slurs and are too dumb
to know what they're doing.
2012 is coming and I'm sure that America is sick of liberal
So you're saying that your children are much better than you because
they don't share your "philosophy".
No, Zepp, you ignorant slut.

I'm saying that you are a hate-filled, unhinged, uneducated and just
plain stupid liberal who spews insane invectives and even "border-line"
racist slurs for no Godly reason.

Clear enough?
