France & England expose Obama for the coward that he is
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Not Defined
2011-03-08 18:31:23 UTC
Welcome to the Twilight Zone:

Britain and France are calling for military action in Libya, but the
United States is reluctant. The two European countries said they plan
to seek U.N. authorization for the creation of a no-fly zone over
Libya, but Obama is apparently reluctant to intervene.

One high-level aide says that Obama is primarily concerned that the
U.S. would appear, once again, to be meddling in the Muslim world.

"He [Obama] keeps reminding us that the best revolutions are completely
organic," the official says.


Obama is a fool and a coward. November 2012 cannot come soon enough.
2011-03-08 22:12:52 UTC
Post by Not Defined
Britain and France are calling for military action in Libya, but the
United States is reluctant. The two European countries said they plan
to seek U.N. authorization for the creation of a no-fly zone over
Libya, but Obama is apparently reluctant to intervene.
The Islamic world knows that Peak Oil is the weapon against the west.
If they can sufficiently interfere with the zionists' trying to regain
control over troubled Egypt, Libya, and so forth, that could be enough
to force the issue and throw the already fragile western economies into
such chaos that it would, in turn, force the zionists into nuclear war
or bio-weapons warfare. Either way, it would be light's out.
Post by Not Defined
One high-level aide says that Obama is primarily concerned that the
U.S. would appear, once again, to be meddling in the Muslim world.
Obama appears to be just another run of the mill zionist puppet and
teleprompter reader, this time with a slightly darker complexion than all
those rich, white, male, freemason, "titles of nobility" zionist criminals
which preceded him.
Post by Not Defined
"He [Obama] keeps reminding us that the best revolutions are completely
organic," the official says.
Obama is a fool and a coward. November 2012 cannot come soon enough.
Peak Oil can't come soon enough. On a related subject, for all you "Proles"
with thirsty motor vehicle fuel tanks to re-fill, "Black Gold, Texas Tea":


Life, it would seem, is about to get interesting.