JIC any Libtards are confused: February marked Fox News’s 110th month as the most-watched cable news channel
(too old to reply)
Not Defined
2011-03-08 19:07:21 UTC
February 2011 Ratings: FNC Dominates, and Not Just with Opinion Shows

Primetime (Mon-Sun): 1.917M Total Viewers / 461K A25-54
Total Day (Mon-Sun): 1.114M Total Viewers / 285K A25-54

With major news out of north Africa and the Middle East in February,
FNC’s news programs benefited greatly.

“Special Report with Bret Baier” was the #2 cable news show in total
viewers, and #5 with younger viewers while “FOX Report with Shepard
Smith” was #5 in total viewers and #3 with younger viewers. “The
O’Reilly Factor” remains #1 in both categories.

In Primetime (8-11pm Mon-Fri), Fox News topped MSNBC, CNN and HLN
combined in total viewers.

The above needs repeating:
In Primetime (8-11pm Mon-Fri), Fox News topped MSNBC, CNN and HLN
combined in total viewers.

In Total Day, the network beat CNN and MSNBC combined in total viewers.

The above needs repeating:
In Total Day, Fox news beat CNN and MSNBC combined in total viewers.

I know liberals are mostly stupid and cannot grasp the obvious, so let
me help these idiots out:

110 consecutive months = 9.16 YEARS in a row.
Not Defined
2011-03-08 19:34:34 UTC
Post by Not Defined
February 2011 Ratings: FNC Dominates, and Not Just with Opinion Shows
Primetime (Mon-Sun): 1.917M Total Viewers / 461K A25-54
Total Day (Mon-Sun): 1.114M Total Viewers / 285K A25-54
With major news out of north Africa and the Middle East in February,
FNC s news programs benefited greatly.
Special Report with Bret Baier was the #2 cable news show in total
viewers, and #5 with younger viewers while FOX Report with Shepard
Smith was #5 in total viewers and #3 with younger viewers. The
O Reilly Factor remains #1 in both categories.
In Primetime (8-11pm Mon-Fri), Fox News topped MSNBC, CNN and HLN
combined in total viewers.
In Primetime (8-11pm Mon-Fri), Fox News topped MSNBC, CNN and HLN
combined in total viewers.
In Total Day, the network beat CNN and MSNBC combined in total viewers.
In Total Day, Fox news beat CNN and MSNBC combined in total viewers.
I know liberals are mostly stupid and cannot grasp the obvious, so
110 consecutive months = 9.16 YEARS in a row.
cable news = minor leagues.
you're bragging about shows that draw just over a million viewers???
There is nothing in your miserable life that has ever approached the
number "one million". Hell, you probably haven't even hit the 50 thou
mark yet. lol
very sad.
Yes sir, that is an excellent summary of your pathetic existence on
this planet.

Sad indeed. Do you want me to loan you some bullets?
2011-04-05 02:04:17 UTC
Post by Not Defined
February 2011 Ratings: FNC Dominates, and Not Just with Opinion Shows

Most misinformed viewers.

Just further proof of the appeal Fauxsnooze has for the gullible.

As O'Reilley admitted, he's nothing more than a provacateur...and
neither he nor Beck would be on the air if they weren't....

Wise up to the sham and scam...

Ailes/Murdoch are shrewd and know their audience isn't very
discriminating, when it comes to requiring truthtelling. Give them what
they want...regardless of its veracity.

Not a badge of honor, admitting to being a Fauxsnooze fan...
2011-04-05 03:12:07 UTC
Post by Chazz
Post by Not Defined
February 2011 Ratings: FNC Dominates, and Not Just with Opinion Shows
Most misinformed viewers.
Just further proof of the appeal Fauxsnooze has for the gullible.
As O'Reilley admitted, he's nothing more than a provacateur...and neither
he nor Beck would be on the air if they weren't....
Wise up to the sham and scam...
Ailes/Murdoch are shrewd and know their audience isn't very
discriminating, when it comes to requiring truthtelling. Give them what
they want...regardless of its veracity.
Not a badge of honor, admitting to being a Fauxsnooze fan...
Barack? Is that you Barack?
2011-04-10 11:33:29 UTC
Hitler and the Nazis were #1 in Germany for quite a while too.
Bob Hammer
2011-04-10 15:54:28 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Hitler and the Nazis were #1 in Germany for quite a while too.
Hitler won an election, so did Obama.
2011-04-10 21:53:07 UTC
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Hitler and the Nazis were #1 in Germany for quite a while too.
Hitler won an election, so did Obama.
So did George Bush. What's your point?
2011-04-10 22:57:44 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Hitler and the Nazis were #1 in Germany for quite a while too.
Hitler won an election, so did Obama.
So did George Bush. What's your point?
Bush wasn't in Germany at the time. Stick to what you asked.
2011-04-10 23:59:04 UTC
Post by relic
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Hitler and the Nazis were #1 in Germany for quite a while too.
Hitler won an election, so did Obama.
So did George Bush. What's your point?
Bush wasn't in Germany at the time. Stick to what you asked.
I didn't ask anything.
I pointed out that Hitler and The Nazis were quite popular for a while just
as Faux Noose is today.
Bob Hammer
2011-04-16 15:01:24 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by relic
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Hitler and the Nazis were #1 in Germany for quite a while too.
Hitler won an election, so did Obama.
So did George Bush. What's your point?
Bush wasn't in Germany at the time. Stick to what you asked.
I didn't ask anything.
I pointed out that Hitler and The Nazis were quite popular for a while just
as Faux Noose is today.
Lady ga-ga is very popular, just like Fox news and Hitler.

So ask yourself, what was your point?
2011-04-16 18:09:34 UTC
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
I didn't ask anything.
I pointed out that Hitler and The Nazis were quite popular for a
while just as Faux Noose is today.
Lady ga-ga is very popular, just like Fox news and Hitler.
So ask yourself, what was your point?
I'm sorry I have to explain it to you, I was hoping you were intelligent
enough to figure it out. My bad.

My point is, not everything "Popular" is necessarily "Good."

Just because "Faux Noose" has high ratings, doesn't make it honest, fair,
or balanced. it just means more morons currently watch it than other
Bob Hammer
2011-04-16 23:53:36 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
I didn't ask anything.
I pointed out that Hitler and The Nazis were quite popular for a
while just as Faux Noose is today.
Lady ga-ga is very popular, just like Fox news and Hitler.
So ask yourself, what was your point?
I'm sorry I have to explain it to you, I was hoping you were intelligent
enough to figure it out. My bad.
My point is, not everything "Popular" is necessarily "Good."
Well, that's damn profound.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Just because "Faux Noose" has high ratings, doesn't make it honest, fair,
or balanced. it just means more morons currently watch it than other
That sounds like an excuse for a loss.

Keep in mind that self-identified liberals are a minority.
Pepe Le Jew
2011-04-17 13:32:54 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
I didn't ask anything.
I pointed out that Hitler and The Nazis were quite popular for a
while just as Faux Noose is today.
Lady ga-ga is very popular, just like Fox news and Hitler.
So ask yourself, what was your point?
I'm sorry I have to explain it to you, I was hoping you were intelligent
enough to figure it out. My bad.
My point is, not everything "Popular" is necessarily "Good."
Just because "Faux Noose" has high ratings, doesn't make it honest, fair,
or balanced. it just means more morons currently watch it than other
Just because no-one watches Fox's competitors doesn't mean they're
honest, fair or balanced. They're not - but no-one cares because no-one
watches them.
2011-04-17 15:58:42 UTC
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Just because no-one watches Fox's competitors doesn't mean they're
honest, fair or balanced. They're not - but no-one cares because
no-one watches them.
Most real news organizations don't view Faux Noose as competition. Faux
Noose, Like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are simply entertainers. News
organizations traditionally have lower ratings than entertainment.

I'd be interested in comparing the TV ratings for professional wrestling
and Faux Noose. That would at least be fair. The problem is, most of
audiences overlap. professional wrestling fans believe the matches are
real, just like they believe Faux Noose is real.
Pepe Le Jew
2011-04-17 17:48:21 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Just because no-one watches Fox's competitors doesn't mean they're
honest, fair or balanced. They're not - but no-one cares because
no-one watches them.
Most real news organizations don't view Faux Noose as competition.
Isn't that convenient, but no-one watches them so it really doesn't
matter how they claim to view the network that eats their lunch.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
7Faux Noose, Like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are simply entertainers. News
organizations traditionally have lower ratings than entertainment.
I suppose you're going to tell us the reason someone like, say, Bill
O'reilly regularly stomps the competition is because Bill O'Reilly is
not a serious journalist, like Keith Olbermann.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
I'd be interested in comparing the TV ratings for professional wrestling
and Faux Noose. That would at least be fair.
Why not compare American Idol's numbers to Rachael Maddow's.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
The problem is, most of
audiences overlap. professional wrestling fans believe the matches are
real, just like they believe Faux Noose is real.
Let's just cut to the chase - all conservative sources are by definition
illegitimate, that's how a well-trained liberal fascist propagandist
always ends up.

Thank goodness you're such a minority in the US.
2011-04-17 23:45:41 UTC
Post by Pepe Le Jew
I suppose you're going to tell us the reason someone like, say, Bill
O'reilly regularly stomps the competition is because Bill O'Reilly is
not a serious journalist, like Keith Olbermann.
Even Bill O'Reilly calls himself a real journalist. A Journalist REPORTS
on the news, he doesn't MAKE the news. A JOURNALIST wouldn't label someone
a "Pinhead" a JOURNALIST lets his audience make their own decisions. Bill
is an entertainer. He'll be joining Glenn "Whacko" Beck real soon.
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Why not compare American Idol's numbers to Rachael Maddow's.
Rachel doesn't call herself a journalist either.
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Let's just cut to the chase - all conservative sources are by
definition illegitimate
Thanks. i couldn't say it any better.
Pepe Le Jew
2011-04-18 23:55:59 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Pepe Le Jew
I suppose you're going to tell us the reason someone like, say, Bill
O'reilly regularly stomps the competition is because Bill O'Reilly is
not a serious journalist, like Keith Olbermann.
Even Bill O'Reilly calls himself a real journalist. A Journalist REPORTS
on the news, he doesn't MAKE the news. A JOURNALIST wouldn't label someone
a "Pinhead" a JOURNALIST lets his audience make their own decisions. Bill
is an entertainer. He'll be joining Glenn "Whacko" Beck real soon.
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Why not compare American Idol's numbers to Rachael Maddow's.
Rachel doesn't call herself a journalist either.
But she acts as one, whether she labels herself or not. Thedefinition of
journalist is not "news reporter".
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Let's just cut to the chase - all conservative sources are by
definition illegitimate
Thanks. i couldn't say it any better.
This is why liberals are are a minority in the US, but consider
themselves the majority, they don;t get out much, ideologically.
Pepe Le Jew
2011-04-20 00:55:13 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Pepe Le Jew
I suppose you're going to tell us the reason someone like, say, Bill
O'reilly regularly stomps the competition is because Bill O'Reilly is
not a serious journalist, like Keith Olbermann.
Even Bill O'Reilly calls himself a real journalist.
That's because he is, and has been for years.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
A Journalist REPORTS
on the news, he doesn't MAKE the news.
You have a rather strict definition, journalists do write opinion pieces.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
A JOURNALIST wouldn't label someone
a "Pinhead" a JOURNALIST lets his audience make their own decisions. Bill
is an entertainer. He'll be joining Glenn "Whacko" Beck real soon.
Well you can dream, but regardless, you don't really know what you're
talking about. You're just angry about the dominance of Fox, and trying
to explain it away.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Why not compare American Idol's numbers to Rachael Maddow's.
Rachel doesn't call herself a journalist either.
I'm not very familiar with her other than she's known to lie, and if she
doesn't want to cal herself a journalist, we'll all respect that - we'll
just accept the fact that she's a lefty hack brought in to try and get
from audience from Fox.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Pepe Le Jew
Let's just cut to the chase - all conservative sources are by
definition illegitimate
Thanks. i couldn't say it any better.
Well then you confirm my assesmnt that you're just another of those
minority liberals who cling to your logically-flawed reality.

You'll grow out of it. If not, no-one really cares, nutters are a penny
a dozen.

Bob Hammer
2011-04-16 14:59:30 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Bob Hammer
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Hitler and the Nazis were #1 in Germany for quite a while too.
Hitler won an election, so did Obama.
So did George Bush. What's your point?