Obama is NOT an America Citizen. the 1950's/60's were the eraof easy deception
(too old to reply)
D. Stussy
2011-01-25 21:27:43 UTC
OK, take each one of those "facts" and disprove them.
You have never, ever posted a fact. You post insane lies -
anonymously of course.
The FACT remains that President Obama provided proof of his
citizenship - the American people saw it and elected him. There's
not a damn thing you insane racists can do about it . Prove that
FACT wrong.
hint: hide, racist.
Please post proof that Urkel has displayed his real birth certificate.
He has a US passport, which requires a birth certificate to obtain.
Which means that he used a FORGED document to obtain the passport - as
Hawaii has just confirmed that he has NO certificate on file with it.

Yet another obamination CRIME to add to the list.
Juan Topica
2011-01-26 02:29:51 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Which means that he used a FORGED document to obtain the passport - as
Hawaii has just confirmed that he has NO certificate on file with it.
Yet another obamination CRIME to add to the list.
I CHALLENGE you to prove to us, right here, that -YOU- are an American
Citizen. If you cannot, then go away and dry up. I GUARANTEE that you
