Obama's Next Budget Deal Cave-In
(too old to reply)
Not Defined
2011-04-13 14:50:55 UTC
Fresh after caving in to Tea Party demands that nearly $40 billion be
slashed from the parts of the budget his supporters elected him to
protect, President Obama is apparently giving every indication that he
has not yet had enough.

He'd like to inflict a little more punishment on his own side in the
course of yet another cave-in on the question of raising the debt limit.

Liberals are freaking out -- this is a good sign for the 2012 election.
Winston Smith, American Patriot
2011-04-13 16:16:03 UTC
Post by Not Defined
Liberals are freaking out -- this is a good sign for the 2012 election.
Not sure what you guys are complaining about. Obama has done all the ankle-
grabbing one would expect from you bunch of Ted Haggards, and has shown
himself to be an ersatz progressive.

It's time to draft Russ Feingold. You thought Barry was bad, did you?

Wait until you see single payer health care system like Vermont just did!

Watch Russ dismantle Too Big To Fail Wall Street like Lenin sending the
proletariat hordes in to slit the throats of the aristocracy.

See President Feingold ram a Constitutional amendment through that says that
'PEOPLE are PEOPLE' and 'Corporations do not have 1st, 4th, 5th, and 5th
Amendment rights'. Watch Mr. Feingold turn campaign spending so that if
voices are heard, it is because of the masses of people, and not a few

Feingold is likely to pull us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and probably Germany
and Japan too. You can now spend your peace dividend!

And if President Feingold is persuaded to keep the military abroad, he will
establish an Afghanistan War account, Iraq War account, and whatever other
war account, to be paid in cash and not borrowed against the future.
Incomes and consumption will and should be taxed!

And you prep school boys of rich moms and dads? Get ready for a mandatory
2-year enlistment in the war zone!

Are you rich bastards bitching about 39% income tax? How about a 65-70%
rate until the $15 trillion debt is paid down??

You reich wingers ain't seen PROGRESSIVE yet!
The real danger to the future of humanity is the preference
for surrendering to fear, superstition, and faith
in absolutist belief systems, and so to submit to these
willingly and to the control of those demagogues who
make use of these, rather than preferring
to reason with one's own mind.
