AZ shooter is another insane liberal and avid MSNBC watcher
(too old to reply)
Knifefight Afterdance
2011-01-08 23:54:55 UTC
Fox News confirmed that a 22-year-old white male named Jared Loughner
was taken into custody as the alleged shooter. Police reportedly had
also arrested a second suspect, however law enforcement official told
Fox News they believe Loughner acted alone after a "preliminary search"
for a second suspect turned up no one.

Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on illiteracy
and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.

According to law enforcement officials, the suspect began shouting
something before shooting wildly with an automatic weapon.
2011-01-09 00:05:03 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Fox News confirmed that a 22-year-old white male named Jared Loughner
was taken into custody as the alleged shooter. Police reportedly had
also arrested a second suspect, however law enforcement official told
Fox News they believe Loughner acted alone after a "preliminary search"
for a second suspect turned up no one.
Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on illiteracy
and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..

--Say it isn't so, that it's just another conspiracy..
Knifefight Afterdance
2011-01-09 01:21:55 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..
liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy"...caitieparker
Don't try to school Kurt. But do expect to see him on the news as the
next liberal murderer.
2011-01-09 01:27:43 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on illiteracy
and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..

--Liberals don't shoot liberals, right-wing extremists do..
2011-01-09 05:22:34 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on illiteracy
and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..
--Liberals don't shoot liberals, right-wing extremists do..
caitieparker @antderosa: "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal.
& oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy."...caitieparker twitter

God Bless America...God Damn Rev J. Wright and his white hating black
panther buddies.

Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is like calling a
drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'

"The Police acted stupidly"...Urkel Husein before taking time to learn
the facts.

Q...What does Barack Hussein Obama and Osama bin Laden have in common? >

A...They both have friends that bombed the Pentagon.

"forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama

Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama

"Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)

"We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
certain point you've made enough money." -Urkel Obama

Liberal slogan: "Cool-Aid Cool-Aid, tastes great, Cool-Aid Cool-Aid,
can't wait"

Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm

Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
liberals...morons electing morons.

Sex offender? Rapist? Child molester? Pedophile? Deal in child porn? Any
or all of these and not in jail? Thank a lib, especially a lib judge.
Knifefight Afterdance
2011-01-09 14:15:42 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on
illiteracy and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..
You're drinking again, Kurt. Put down the bottle.
Post by Man_of_Mind
--Liberals don't shoot liberals, right-wing extremists do..
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is not (was not) a "liberal", dumbass.
By her own words, she is/was a "BlueDog Dem" -- a former Republican.

I know the authorities are looking at you, Kurt.

You are "cooking" and will blow very soon. Your Facebook page says as
much. hahahahahahahaha

2011-01-09 15:44:52 UTC
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Man_of_Mind
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on illiteracy
and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..
You're drinking again
Nice straw man you're playing with there, nice tight underpants..
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Man_of_Mind
--Liberals don't shoot liberals, right-wing extremists do..
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is not (was not) a "liberal"
How would you know?
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
I know the authorities are looking at you, Kurt.
And I've never had a problem with that in the past..

--Unlike yourself..
Lich Nutz
2011-01-09 16:37:49 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
And I've never had a problem with that in the past..
Oklahoma Space Alliance News
by Syd Henderson

I found a downloadable model of the Cassini space probe at the
Cassini web site at the Jet Propulsion Lab
(http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/model/) and Kurt agreed to construct
it. In addition, Kurt (and possibly Tim) will create flyers. Kurt will
try to construct balloon rockets.
We will also provide paper, crayons, colored pencils, etc., and
invite visitors to design a space colony.


Build a Paper Model

This free model is designed for anyone who wishes to learn more about
the Cassini Spacecraft, although it is probably not
appropriate for children less than about ten years of age to build
I like to play with rockets and balloons and do Playdo terraforming.
2011-01-09 17:04:37 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Man_of_Mind
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on illiteracy
and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..
You're drinking again
Nice straw man you're playing with there, nice tight underpants..
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Man_of_Mind
--Liberals don't shoot liberals, right-wing extremists do..
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is not (was not) a "liberal"
How would you know?
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
I know the authorities are looking at you, Kurt.
And I've never had a problem with that in the past..
--Unlike yourself..
"I hereby "threaten" to track you down and skin you alive
with a knife dipped in shit. My "threat" has as much validity
as al-Qareda's and has about the same chance of happening."

"Morton Davis" <***@oglethorpe.com> news:<sHt7b.409263$***@sccrnsc04>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 23:50:48 GMT


"Time to knock your head off. No more being nice and polite
to the left in America, time to rise up and hit the fuckers
on the left. All the left wants to do is restrict our
freedoms and liberties, time to tell them to get the hell
out of the country, either alive or dead, just get the hell out."

"Dana" <***@worldnet.att.net> news:<***@corp.supernews.com> Thu, 21 Aug 2003 20:51:19


"Let me make this very clear, and you can take this as a
personal threat, I will kill anyone whom I consider a problem
anywhere and anytime. You are discussing shit with someone who
thinks that killing is part of doing business."

Bill Bonde <***@mail.com> news:<***@backpacker.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup-


"How horrible, how *wrong* it would be, Lochner, if, while
you were typing something like this, your fat drunken face
were slammed forward into your monitor so hard that the
tube imploded and your head caught on fire. I would deplore
any such eventuality, and could never approve such a thing.
Violence, shrieking bloody high voltage flaming mayhem and
mutilation, can *never* be right, no matter how much of a
crawling, disgusting, despicable, worthless little toad
that you prove yourself to be.

johnz~ <***@home.net> Mon, 05 Feb 2001 05:11:20 GMT
Lich Nutz
2011-01-09 17:11:55 UTC
My condolensces, I'm just an out of work physicist.

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: ***@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG
I like to play with rockets and balloons and do Playdo terraforming.
2011-01-09 17:38:34 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Man_of_Mind
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Authorities said they believed Loughner had sent out a video saying
that he expected Saturday to be his last day and had written on his
MySpace page several "final thoughts" that included rants on illiteracy
and the failure of U.S. currency to be backed by gold.
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..
You're drinking again
Nice straw man you're playing with there, nice tight underpants..
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
Post by Man_of_Mind
--Liberals don't shoot liberals, right-wing extremists do..
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is not (was not) a "liberal"
How would you know?
Post by Knifefight Afterdance
I know the authorities are looking at you, Kurt.
And I've never had a problem with that in the past..
--Unlike yourself..
"I hereby "threaten" to track you down and skin you alive
with a knife dipped in shit. My "threat" has as much validity
as al-Qareda's and has about the same chance of happening."

"Morton Davis" <***@oglethorpe.com> news:<sHt7b.409263$***@sccrnsc04>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 23:50:48 GMT


"Time to knock your head off. No more being nice and polite
to the left in America, time to rise up and hit the fuckers
on the left. All the left wants to do is restrict our
freedoms and liberties, time to tell them to get the hell
out of the country, either alive or dead, just get the hell out."

"Dana" <***@worldnet.att.net> news:<***@corp.supernews.com> Thu, 21 Aug 2003 20:51:19


"Let me make this very clear, and you can take this as a
personal threat, I will kill anyone whom I consider a problem
anywhere and anytime. You are discussing shit with someone who
thinks that killing is part of doing business."

Bill Bonde <***@mail.com> news:<***@backpacker.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup-


"How horrible, how *wrong* it would be, Lochner, if, while
you were typing something like this, your fat drunken face
were slammed forward into your monitor so hard that the
tube imploded and your head caught on fire. I would deplore
any such eventuality, and could never approve such a thing.
Violence, shrieking bloody high voltage flaming mayhem and
mutilation, can *never* be right, no matter how much of a
crawling, disgusting, despicable, worthless little toad
that you prove yourself to be.

johnz~ <***@home.net> Mon, 05 Feb 2001 05:11:20 GMT

--Ecrasons l'infame!!
Lich Nutz
2011-01-11 04:26:54 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
"I hereby "threaten"

From: ***@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Re: The Coverup
Date: 6 Aug 91 16:46:55 GMT

Hi Kurt,

To add to some people's idea that the Greys look like
insects, I'm reminded of an article in the most recent
UDO Magazine in which a man describes an encounter
with beings that looked like insects to him.
I 'll be happy to sent you a copy of this article if
you want it.

Hmm, I'm wondering how you'll send it to me, I presume
US Snail-mail so here's the address....

500 S. State #40
Edmond, OK 73034

I got ahold of a copy of Strieber's Majestic and find
most of it to be interesting. I still get the impression
that the Roswell debris was hijacked in mid-air and that
the government officialdom is still quite embarrassed.
Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: ***@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG

I like to play with rockets and balloons and do Playdo terraforming.
Lich Nutz
2011-01-09 16:42:04 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
Wow, classic symptoms of a typical right-wing extremist..

From: ***@p22.f66.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)

Subject: Statistics

Date: 11 Dec 90 17:44:56 GMT

Well, I'll be....my message did get out.
Post by Man_of_Mind
Lazar's Element 115 .....
.................................. 2 0.3%

and I re-worked all the batch files for some other

feeds too. Here's what I've been reading of late.

"Out There"-remarkable yet kinda hurried, which matters

little to me. I find that book to be pretty credible,

though non-commital. Yes, it answers the question that's

been in everybody's mind for some time, unanswered by

any kind of authority (plural). So, great...there IS

some kind of coverup, but what's being covered up?

As I've said earlier, the Air Force and any others

engaged in the subject have not generated a single

reason or explanation to satisfy themselves to declassify

anything of importance. Perhaps the outer "arms" of

this galaxy, the Orion Arm being our district, are a

little more crowded than even Drake's Equation permits?

"Above Top Secret" hehehe, I can't keep from skipping

ahead to see some of the more recent sightings. Again,

we have the texts of MJ-12 and several plates of some

pleasent faces, and some of the international sightings

are really well done. It's not easy reading but it's

interesting to find parts about the nuts/bolts.

And that's what I really wrote to you about..

I've been making noises about the propulsion scenarios

involved with these sighting. Letting the sightings display

the overall characteristics of such a machine saves alot of

guesswork. The international sightings pointed it out,

at least to me, when one guy said that it sounded kinda like

a refrigerator taking off.

Later in the book, a guy that was present at some questionable crash

sight later on told his

daughter that the craft operate on water, and that it might

threaten the oil industry. To support this conjecture,

I believe that if I was pressed to do, I could find a significant number of

sightings around water, and I recall some from earlier publications of

observing hoses in the

water. If you think that boiling water under pressure

does marvelous energy transfers, try thinking about water

in a partial vacumn...or ammonia, or even methane.

So, in closing, I can see that my previous posting was

pretty useless, I'll try not to waste bandwidth again until

I've caught up my reading, but I thought that I might be able to add some

useful conjecture as to what kind of

"cover-up" might be occurring.

Thanks for the stats,

that was real big help.
I like to play with rockets and balloons and do Playdo terraforming.
Lich Nutz
2011-01-09 16:42:29 UTC
Post by Man_of_Mind
--Say it isn't so, that it's just another conspiracy..

From: ***@p22.f66.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)

Subject: Statistics

Date: 11 Dec 90 17:44:56 GMT

Well, I'll be....my message did get out.
Post by Man_of_Mind
Lazar's Element 115 .....
.................................. 2 0.3%

and I re-worked all the batch files for some other

feeds too. Here's what I've been reading of late.

"Out There"-remarkable yet kinda hurried, which matters

little to me. I find that book to be pretty credible,

though non-commital. Yes, it answers the question that's

been in everybody's mind for some time, unanswered by

any kind of authority (plural). So, great...there IS

some kind of coverup, but what's being covered up?

As I've said earlier, the Air Force and any others

engaged in the subject have not generated a single

reason or explanation to satisfy themselves to declassify

anything of importance. Perhaps the outer "arms" of

this galaxy, the Orion Arm being our district, are a

little more crowded than even Drake's Equation permits?

"Above Top Secret" hehehe, I can't keep from skipping

ahead to see some of the more recent sightings. Again,

we have the texts of MJ-12 and several plates of some

pleasent faces, and some of the international sightings

are really well done. It's not easy reading but it's

interesting to find parts about the nuts/bolts.

And that's what I really wrote to you about..

I've been making noises about the propulsion scenarios

involved with these sighting. Letting the sightings display

the overall characteristics of such a machine saves alot of

guesswork. The international sightings pointed it out,

at least to me, when one guy said that it sounded kinda like

a refrigerator taking off.

Later in the book, a guy that was present at some questionable crash

sight later on told his

daughter that the craft operate on water, and that it might

threaten the oil industry. To support this conjecture,

I believe that if I was pressed to do, I could find a significant number of

sightings around water, and I recall some from earlier publications of

observing hoses in the

water. If you think that boiling water under pressure

does marvelous energy transfers, try thinking about water

in a partial vacumn...or ammonia, or even methane.

So, in closing, I can see that my previous posting was

pretty useless, I'll try not to waste bandwidth again until

I've caught up my reading, but I thought that I might be able to add some

useful conjecture as to what kind of

"cover-up" might be occurring.

Thanks for the stats,

that was real big help.
I like to play with rockets and balloons and do Playdo terraforming.