34 States Petition to Seceede from the USA.
(too old to reply)
2012-11-15 03:32:27 UTC
Believe it or not, but the total so far is 34 States that have some kind of
Petition to Secede from the Union (USA)!
Not a Bleeding Heart Liberal amongst them, they are all died in the wool Tea
Party - John Birch - KKK -Conservatives.
All because a BLACK MAN won a second term of office to the WHITE HOUSE.
Have any of those people given any real thought to what they will lose if
their wish is granted?
Fox News, the US Supreme Court, and the Country Club Elite have a lot to
answer for.
Try to imagine 34 Independent Sovereign Nations!
Just were is the money going to come from to pay for all this?
The *34* STATES are;
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida,
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, New
Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
2012-11-15 03:34:18 UTC
Post by curmudgeon
Believe it or not, but the total so far is 34 States that have some kind of
Petition to Secede from the Union (USA)!
Not a Bleeding Heart Liberal amongst them, they are all died in the wool Tea
Party - John Birch - KKK -Conservatives.
All because a BLACK MAN won a second term of office to the WHITE HOUSE.
Have any of those people given any real thought to what they will lose if
their wish is granted?
Fox News, the US Supreme Court, and the Country Club Elite have a lot to
answer for.
Try to imagine 34 Independent Sovereign Nations!
Just were is the money going to come from to pay for all this?
The *34* STATES are;
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida,
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, New
Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
All the wackos...their final act before they vanish into the darkness of
their basements!
2012-11-15 05:55:34 UTC
Post by curmudgeon
Believe it or not, but the total so far is 34 States that have some kind of
Petition to Secede from the Union (USA)!
Not a Bleeding Heart Liberal amongst them, they are all died in the wool Tea
Party - John Birch - KKK -Conservatives.
All because a BLACK MAN won a second term of office to the WHITE HOUSE.
Have any of those people given any real thought to what they will lose if
their wish is granted?
Fox News, the US Supreme Court, and the Country Club Elite have a lot to
answer for.
Try to imagine 34 Independent Sovereign Nations!
Just were is the money going to come from to pay for all this?
The *34* STATES are;
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida,
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, New
Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Here's what my home town newspaper has to say about South Dakota's
secession petition:

One signer of South Dakota’s secession petition is outgoing Rep. Lora
Hubbel, R-Sioux Falls. Hubbel, who is the chairwoman of the Minnehaha
County Republican Party, said she signed as a “kind of frustration
release” and doesn’t see it as serious.

“First of all, it’s not legal under the Constitution,” Hubbel said.
“It’s just one way to show our frustration over the way the rest of
the country — really, the coasts — have gone.”

Hubbel also said she doubted the South Dakota petition would have much
success because many of the signees weren’t from South Dakota.

Of the 2,509 signatories who listed a state as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, only
148 were from South Dakota. That’s less than the number of Texans,
209, who signed the petition to let South Dakota secede.



2012-11-15 23:23:24 UTC
Believe it or not, but one week after the 2012 Presidential election and all
50 States in the USA have Petition to Secede from the Union.
Now this has to be the ultimate in Bipartisan Politics.
Liberal Democrat States along with Conservative Republican States all wish
to Secede from the USA.
Truly then neither RACE or RELIGION is in any way shape or form a factor!
2012-11-16 02:13:12 UTC
Post by curmudgeon
Believe it or not, but one week after the 2012 Presidential election and all
50 States in the USA have Petition to Secede from the Union.
Now this has to be the ultimate in Bipartisan Politics.
Liberal Democrat States along with Conservative Republican States all wish
to Secede from the USA.
Truly then neither RACE or RELIGION is in any way shape or form a factor!
It's nonsense. More Texans than South Dakotans signed South Dakota's
petition. There's no requirement that petition signers must be
resident of the state involved so it's could be the same handful of
crackpots starting all the petitions. Here's an article from the Argus
Leader, my home town paper.
More than 3,000 people have signed an online petition asking newly
re-elected President Obama to let South Dakota secede from the United

It’s one of dozens of petitions that have sprung up in recent days on
the White House’s official petitions site,
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov. Any petition receiving more than
25,000 signatures on that site receives a response from the White House.

The South Dakota petition is similar to many others, asking Obama to
“peacefully (let) the state of South Dakota withdraw from the United
States of America and create its own NEW government.” The text of the
petition largely is excerpts from the opening of the Declaration of
Independence, discussing the right of the people to alter or abolish

One signer of South Dakota’s secession petition is outgoing Rep. Lora
Hubbel, R-Sioux Falls. Hubbel, who is the chairwoman of the Minnehaha
County Republican Party, said she signed as a “kind of frustration
release” and doesn’t see it as serious.

“First of all, it’s not legal under the Constitution,” Hubbel said.
“It’s just one way to show our frustration over the way the rest of
the country — really, the coasts — have gone.”

Hubbel also said she doubted the South Dakota petition would have much
success because many of the signees weren’t from South Dakota.

Of the 2,509 signatories who listed a state as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, only
148 were from South Dakota. That’s less than the number of Texans,
209, who signed the petition to let South Dakota secede.

2012-11-26 20:22:03 UTC
On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 16:23:24 -0700, "curmudgeon"
Post by curmudgeon
Believe it or not, but one week after the 2012 Presidential election and all
50 States in the USA have Petition to Secede from the Union.
Now this has to be the ultimate in Bipartisan Politics.
Liberal Democrat States along with Conservative Republican States all wish
to Secede from the USA.
Truly then neither RACE or RELIGION is in any way shape or form a factor!
Too bad it is not legal and can not be done peacefully . How ever the
constitution does provide for relief from a government that is not
acting in the best interests of Americans . Removal by force is
absolutely legal and is the sole reason for the right to bear arms .
2014-09-20 12:52:24 UTC
Post by Dakota
Post by curmudgeon
Believe it or not, but the total so far is 34 States that have some kind of
Petition to Secede from the Union (USA)!
Not a Bleeding Heart Liberal amongst them, they are all died in the wool Tea
Party - John Birch - KKK -Conservatives.
All because a BLACK MAN won a second term of office to the WHITE HOUSE.
Have any of those people given any real thought to what they will lose if
their wish is granted?
Fox News, the US Supreme Court, and the Country Club Elite have a lot to
answer for.
Try to imagine 34 Independent Sovereign Nations!
Just were is the money going to come from to pay for all this?
The *34* STATES are;
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida,
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, New
Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Here's what my home town newspaper has to say about South Dakota's
One signer of South Dakota’s secession petition is outgoing Rep. Lora
Hubbel, R-Sioux Falls. Hubbel, who is the chairwoman of the Minnehaha
County Republican Party, said she signed as a “kind of frustration
release” and doesn’t see it as serious.
“First of all, it’s not legal under the Constitution,” Hubbel said.
“It’s just one way to show our frustration over the way the rest of
the country — really, the coasts — have gone.”
Hubbel also said she doubted the South Dakota petition would have much
success because many of the signees weren’t from South Dakota.
Of the 2,509 signatories who listed a state as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, only
148 were from South Dakota.
Sounds like the two elections obama won; voting "irregularities" all
over the place totally ignored by the MSM.

That’s less than the number of Texans,
Post by Dakota
209, who signed the petition to let South Dakota secede.
2012-11-15 15:42:25 UTC
Post by curmudgeon
Believe it or not, but the total so far is 34 States that have some
kind of Petition to Secede from the Union (USA)!
Well, no.

Individuals living in 34 states are participating in the masturbatory
exercise of filling out silly "petitions" on the Whitehouse Web site.
***@iphouse.com St. Paul, MN
2012-11-16 00:21:04 UTC
How about this quote: "White America died last night. Obama's reelection
killed it. Our 200 plus year history as a Western nation is over. We're
a Socialist Latin American country now. Venezuela without the oil."
Which was followed by:
Stunned by his clear racisim, [G. Gordon] Liddy tried to walk his guest
back from the ledge:
"With what you just said right there.You seem to imply that white people
are better than other people. That's not really what you're saying is it?"
"Of course that's what I'm saying," Buchanan replied "Isn't it obvious?
Anything worth doing on this Earth was done first by white people."
"Who landed on the moon? White people. Who climbed Mount Everest? White
people. Who invented the transistor? White people. Who invented paper?
White people. Who discovered algebra? White people."
"And don't give me all this nonsense about Martin Luther King and civil
rights and all that. Who do you think freed the slaves? Abraham Lincoln.
A white guy!"
"But we're not led by Lincoln anymore, we're led by an
affirmative-action mulatto who can't physically understand how great
America once was."
"I cried last night G. I cried for hours. It's over for all of us. The
great White nation will never survive another 4 years of Obama's leadership"
Liddy tried to reason with Buchanan, reminding him that he shares
similar positions with the President on Afghanistan, Iraq, and relations
with Russia:
"Of course I agree with half of what he does," Buchanan answered, "He's
half white! That's not the half I'm worried about."
I should like to point out that of course the racist has his history
wrong. The Chinese invented paper about 105 CE during the Han Dynasty
(not to mention the printing press, which they also passed on to the
West). Paper only reached Italy in the early 14th century. And algebra
- or should I say al-gebra - is an Arabic word, and the field was
invented by the Babylonians, and much work on it was done by the famous
Persian philosopher, poet and mathematician Omar Khayyam in the 11th C
CE. As for Mt. Everest, Tenzing Norgay, a Nepalese, was side by side
with Hillary when they got to the top.
But the point is that Buchanan is not the only bigot enraged that the
white right did not take the WHITE house back, as they shouted so often
during the campaign. Everyone knew what they meant, that it was code
for "get the black man out of the White House", but few, other than
Buchanan, are rash enough to blurt it out.
So now a number of the rabid right wingnuts have taken to petitioning
the White House for their states to secede. Shades of the election of
Lincoln, which the South would not tolerate. (And I note that Lincoln
and Obama share that same conciliatory trait, always trying to make
things work until the other side makes it irrevocably clear that it will
not consider compromise.) And while I do not expect another attempt at
secession, it does indicate just how much racial hatred this land still
And today Romney goes flying off the handle, denying any responsibility
for his loss (in excellent sociopathic style) and blaming it all on
Obama and blacks and Hispanics and women and young people because Obama
gave them "free gifts", by which he meant health care, gynecological
care and low student loan interest rates, in order to get their votes.
More implied racism and bigotry, in the inimitable manner of his "47%"
2012-11-16 01:07:51 UTC
On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 17:21:04 -0700, "curmudgeon"
Post by curmudgeon
How about this quote: "White America died last night. Obama's reelection
killed it. Our 200 plus year history as a Western nation is over. We're
a Socialist Latin American country now. Venezuela without the oil."
Stunned by his clear racisim, [G. Gordon] Liddy tried to walk his guest
"With what you just said right there.You seem to imply that white people
are better than other people. That's not really what you're saying is it?"
"Of course that's what I'm saying," Buchanan replied "Isn't it obvious?
Anything worth doing on this Earth was done first by white people."
"Who landed on the moon? White people. Who climbed Mount Everest? White
people. Who invented the transistor? White people. Who invented paper?
White people. Who discovered algebra? White people."
"And don't give me all this nonsense about Martin Luther King and civil
rights and all that. Who do you think freed the slaves? Abraham Lincoln.
A white guy!"
"But we're not led by Lincoln anymore, we're led by an
affirmative-action mulatto who can't physically understand how great
America once was."
"I cried last night G. I cried for hours. It's over for all of us. The
great White nation will never survive another 4 years of Obama's leadership"
Liddy tried to reason with Buchanan, reminding him that he shares
similar positions with the President on Afghanistan, Iraq, and relations
"Of course I agree with half of what he does," Buchanan answered, "He's
half white! That's not the half I'm worried about."
I should like to point out that of course the racist has his history
wrong. The Chinese invented paper about 105 CE during the Han Dynasty
(not to mention the printing press, which they also passed on to the
West). Paper only reached Italy in the early 14th century. And algebra
- or should I say al-gebra - is an Arabic word, and the field was
invented by the Babylonians, and much work on it was done by the famous
Persian philosopher, poet and mathematician Omar Khayyam in the 11th C
CE. As for Mt. Everest, Tenzing Norgay, a Nepalese, was side by side
with Hillary when they got to the top.
But the point is that Buchanan is not the only bigot enraged that the
white right did not take the WHITE house back, as they shouted so often
during the campaign. Everyone knew what they meant, that it was code
for "get the black man out of the White House", but few, other than
Buchanan, are rash enough to blurt it out.
So now a number of the rabid right wingnuts have taken to petitioning
the White House for their states to secede. Shades of the election of
Lincoln, which the South would not tolerate. (And I note that Lincoln
and Obama share that same conciliatory trait, always trying to make
things work until the other side makes it irrevocably clear that it will
not consider compromise.) And while I do not expect another attempt at
secession, it does indicate just how much racial hatred this land still
And today Romney goes flying off the handle, denying any responsibility
for his loss (in excellent sociopathic style) and blaming it all on
Obama and blacks and Hispanics and women and young people because Obama
gave them "free gifts", by which he meant health care, gynecological
care and low student loan interest rates, in order to get their votes.
More implied racism and bigotry, in the inimitable manner of his "47%"
Did you really have to copy and paste racism?

The 47% is not a racist number, it is a
liberal number, people who lie to themselves
about how they think.

Count on a lot of them changing how
they think.
2014-09-20 12:49:45 UTC
On Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:32:27 -0700, "curmudgeon"
Post by curmudgeon
Believe it or not, but the total so far is 34 States that have some kind of
Petition to Secede from the Union (USA)!
Not a Bleeding Heart Liberal amongst them, they are all died in the wool Tea
Party - John Birch - KKK -Conservatives.
All because a BLACK MAN won a second term of office to the WHITE HOUSE.
Have any of those people given any real thought to what they will lose if
their wish is granted?
Fox News, the US Supreme Court, and the Country Club Elite have a lot to
answer for.
Try to imagine 34 Independent Sovereign Nations!
Just were is the money going to come from to pay for all this?
The *34* STATES are;
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida,
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, New
Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
The mumbers should give you the reason. This nigger you
refer to as being elected twice, he was only elected because
he was a nigger and illegal voting procedures by the liberals.
Does ACORN ring a bell, moron ?

I suppose you are black..........right ?