Obama's Hidden Past
(too old to reply)
D. Stussy
2011-04-18 05:06:29 UTC
Never accept a simple explanation when a complex conspiritorial one
will do.
You know that when a parent remarries the kid will take the step
father's last
There was a kid named Barak Obama born in Hawaii. His birth was
reported in the papers by the state registrar as required by law.
If you can't trust actual evidence then you might as well believe Bush
order the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11.
So, how does that prove that he's Constitutionally qualified?

His father being a foreigner is proof that he is NOT Constitutionally
qualified. Without both parents being U.S. citizens, he can NEVER be a
"natural born [U.S.] citizen" as the Constitution requires.
2011-04-25 05:39:34 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Never accept a simple explanation when a complex conspiritorial one
will do.
You know that when a parent remarries the kid will take the step
father's last
There was a kid named Barak Obama born in Hawaii. His birth was
reported in the papers by the state registrar as required by law.
If you can't trust actual evidence then you might as well believe Bush
order the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11.
So, how does that prove that he's Constitutionally qualified?
jus solis. Deal with it.
Post by D. Stussy
His father being a foreigner is proof that he is NOT Constitutionally
Not proof....and not relevant or upheld in any court in the land, at any

Without both parents being U.S. citizens, he can NEVER be a
Post by D. Stussy
"natural born [U.S.] citizen" as the Constitution requires.
A citizen of the United States is either natural born...or attains
citizenship through naturalization. President Obama is *not* a
naturalized citizen. Therefore, he is natural born.

2011-05-13 08:00:22 UTC
Post by Chazz
Post by D. Stussy
Never accept a simple explanation when a complex conspiritorial one
will do.
You know that when a parent remarries the kid will take the step
father's last
There was a kid named Barak Obama born in Hawaii. His birth was
reported in the papers by the state registrar as required by law.
If you can't trust actual evidence then you might as well believe Bush
order the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11.
So, how does that prove that he's Constitutionally qualified?
jus solis. Deal with it.
Post by D. Stussy
His father being a foreigner is proof that he is NOT Constitutionally
So much for Bobby Jindahl ever running for president, as it was
contemplated he might?

Both of his parents are "foreigners".
Post by Chazz
Not proof....and not relevant or upheld in any court in the land, at
any level.
Without both parents being U.S. citizens, he can NEVER be a
Post by D. Stussy
"natural born [U.S.] citizen" as the Constitution requires.
A citizen of the United States is either natural born...or attains
citizenship through naturalization. President Obama is *not* a
naturalized citizen. Therefore, he is natural born.
Nooffa Subject
2011-05-13 20:48:18 UTC
George Washington's Father was born in England.

2011-04-25 15:24:46 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Never accept a simple explanation when a complex conspiritorial one
will do.
You know that when a parent remarries the kid will take the step
father's last
There was a kid named Barak Obama born in Hawaii. His birth was
reported in the papers by the state registrar as required by law.
If you can't trust actual evidence then you might as well believe Bush
order the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11.
So, how does that prove that he's Constitutionally qualified?
His father being a foreigner is proof that he is NOT Constitutionally
qualified. Without both parents being U.S. citizens, he can NEVER be a
"natural born [U.S.] citizen" as the Constitution requires.
Unbelievable, actually, that anyone would continue to insist on
repeating that which has been disproven.

Links below, to determinations at the highest court levels...including
precedence...completely dismantle the preposterous claim that both
parents have to be U.S. citizens, for a child to be a natural born



Donofrio v Obama tried to go that route...as to President Obama's father
being a foreigner being the disqualifier. No sale.

That suit was easy pickin's for the plaintiff's loss....in that what the
suit totally ignored was the fact that one attains U.S. citizenship
either by naturalization....OR by being a natural born citizen, the
parents citizenship having no affect whatsoever on the
latter...especially when it comes to jus solis.

There is no other distinction....and especially not that both parents
have to be U.S. citizens.

The claim that natural born citizen has been defined in the Constitution
as being born to parents who are both U.S. citizens has been woven from
whole cloth. Fact: The term isn't defined.