President Obama's Birth Certifacate
(too old to reply)
D. Stussy
2011-01-27 03:52:34 UTC
I don't care where he was born.
His mother is an AMERICAN.
Doesn't matter. His father was a British/Kenyan subject. That means that
even if he were a U.S. citizen at birth, he's not a NATURAL born [U.S.]
citizen, dumbass.

Those who seek his birth certificate are out to prove that he's not even a
U.S. citizen. However, even if he were, he still doesn't qualify.
2011-03-07 22:03:01 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
I don't care where he was born.
His mother is an AMERICAN.
Doesn't matter. His father was a British/Kenyan subject. That means that
even if he were a U.S. citizen at birth, he's not a NATURAL born [U.S.]
citizen, dumbass.
Those who seek his birth certificate are out to prove that he's not even a
U.S. citizen. However, even if he were, he still doesn't qualify.
Tell it to the judges?



High court turns aside another lawsuit questioning Obama citizenship
By: CNN Supreme Court Producer Bill Mears

Washington (CNN) - The Supreme Court has again rejected an appeal from a
"birther" proponent questioning the citizenship of President Barack

The justices Monday turned aside without comment a request for a
rehearing of various claims, after dismissing the original appeal in
late January.

The long-shot petition by Gregory Hollister had called on Justices Sonia
Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to withdraw from considering the
constitutional claims, contending a conflict of interest by the
president's two high court appointees.

Lower federal claims had dismissed Hollister's claims.

The justices had also dismissed earlier, unrelated lawsuits from
individuals questioning Obama's citizenship. State birth certificate
records show he was born August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother
is a native of Kansas; his father was born in Kenya."
2011-03-08 00:18:56 UTC
Post by Chazz
Tell it to the judges?
High court turns aside another lawsuit questioning Obama citizenship
By: CNN Supreme Court Producer Bill Mears
Why argue with someone who can't even spell "CERTIFICATE"?
2011-03-08 00:59:03 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Chazz
Tell it to the judges?
High court turns aside another lawsuit questioning Obama citizenship
By: CNN Supreme Court Producer Bill Mears
Why argue with someone who can't even spell "CERTIFICATE"?
There's really no argument. It's just that it's become amusing to note
that there are still those clinging to the absurd notion that President
Obama isn't eligible for the office of the presidency. That they're
basing it on proven and proveably false, groundless contentions only
adds to the absurdity...

Pathetic, actually...
2011-03-08 03:04:39 UTC
Post by Chazz
There's really no argument. It's just that it's become amusing to note
that there are still those clinging to the absurd notion that President
Obama isn't eligible for the office of the presidency. That they're
basing it on proven and proveably false, groundless contentions only
adds to the absurdity...
Pathetic, actually...
I think you mis-read the situation, or at least giving them more credit
than they're due. I believe it's simply, basically, and completely racist.
They simply CANNOT believe a black man is the President of The United
States, and are DESPERATELY searching for some way to discredit him.

Come to think of it, that's a pretty good profile of just about ALL the
posters in this group actually.

p.s. You and I can now expect to be labelled "Whiggers." It's the only
strategy the morons have when they hear (or read) the truth. - Attack the
2011-03-08 04:27:22 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Chazz
There's really no argument. It's just that it's become amusing to note
that there are still those clinging to the absurd notion that
Obama isn't eligible for the office of the presidency. That they're
basing it on proven and proveably false, groundless contentions only
adds to the absurdity...
Pathetic, actually...
I think you mis-read the situation, or at least giving them more credit
than they're due. I believe it's simply, basically, and completely racist.
They simply CANNOT believe a black man is the President of The United
States, and are DESPERATELY searching for some way to discredit him.
Come to think of it, that's a pretty good profile of just about ALL the
posters in this group actually.
p.s. You and I can now expect to be labelled "Whiggers." It's the only
strategy the morons have when they hear (or read) the truth. - Attack the
Well actually, it was indisputably apparent that the minute it was
realized that an "other" was potentially on his way to the White House,
the racist element went berserk at the mere thought, never mind the

The swiftboating kicked in almost immediately, gleefully aided and
abetted by Fauxsnooze...WND and every rightwingnut radio ranter and
blogger and flogger out there.

And yes, though some strongly and indignantly deny that it has anything
to do with racism, the sampling here belies that lie.

They truly cannot handle the truth...so yes again, they respond in
typical fashion and go on the attack. Denigrate, discredit, demean and
destroy. Little Rovians and Atwaters all...
