(too old to reply)
Nathan Bedford Forrest
2011-02-28 15:59:39 UTC
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??

Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.

2011-02-28 23:30:50 UTC
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.

2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.

3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.

Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
2011-03-01 02:28:20 UTC
"BetterNewsBaltimore" <***@city.com> wrote in message news:***@
<dumb-assed top post fixed>
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.
2011-03-01 02:28:20 UTC
"BetterNewsBaltimore" <***@city.com> wrote in message news:***@
<dumb-assed top post fixed>
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.
2011-03-01 02:28:20 UTC
"BetterNewsBaltimore" <***@city.com> wrote in message news:***@
<dumb-assed top post fixed>
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.
2011-03-06 19:01:00 UTC
Post by chrisv
<dumb-assed top post fixed>
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of
America shows your lack of patriotism.
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.

His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.

His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.

Polly wants a cracker.
Polly IS a cracker!

What a total ass-hat!
2011-03-06 21:11:45 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
What a total ass-hat!
Nice sig. Appropriate too.
2011-03-08 04:58:32 UTC
Post by chrisv
<dumb-assed top post fixed>
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.
Confusing neurotic with patriotic?

Bush pre-empted President Obama by actually succeeding in doing so, lest
you or anyone forget his disastrous wrecking-ball of an 8 years. He
left office with a 78% disapproval rating and admitted, almost
apologetically, to having left a mess of an economy for the new

Stop blaming the previous administration? Romney's already signalled
his plan of attack to do just that before even declaring, if in fact he
does. Talk about a job killer. Thousands of people lost theirs as a
result of his "business acumen". No one noticed his costume change from
when he was running for governor of the blue state of Massachusetts?
Pro-choice then. Pro-life as a presidential candidate.

The party of quitter Palin and McCarthy-ite Bachmann, disgraced speaker
and adulterer Gingrich (the personification of a hypocrite)...failed
senatorial candidates "Some of you look Asian" Angle and "I'm not a
witch" O'Donnell...George "Macaca" Allen...Rick "man-on-dog"
Santorum...the Georgia senator who wants to push through a bill that
would potentially make a miscarriage a felony...referring to it as
pre-natal murder...the lying Rev Huckabee who corrected what he referred
to as having "misspoke"...with another lie. "I meant to say Obama was
raised in Indonesia."? And who has expressed his preference for
replacing the Constitution with the bible, as a governance document?
I've got "Pawlenty" of nothing?

The real destroyers....
2011-03-08 19:26:28 UTC
Post by Chazz
Post by chrisv
<dumb-assed top post fixed>
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.
Confusing neurotic with patriotic?
Bush pre-empted President Obam<snip revisionist history>
Hmmm, nothing left.
2011-03-08 19:26:28 UTC
Post by Chazz
Post by chrisv
<dumb-assed top post fixed>
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Post by Nathan Bedford Forrest
THIS is odumbo's hope and change ??
Every person who voted for this socialist idiot should be hung from
the nearest lamppost.
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
His comments WERE patriotic; yours not.
odumbo has tried to destroy the country.
Confusing neurotic with patriotic?
Bush pre-empted President Obam<snip revisionist history>
Hmmm, nothing left.

The Big Dog
2011-03-06 17:21:49 UTC
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
1) Your use of vulgarity shows you're an IDIOT.
"This is a big fucking deal!"
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
2) Your abuse of the name of The President of The United States of America
shows your lack of patriotism.
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
3) Your threat of violence shows that you are an Anarchist.
"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"

"I want to know ³whose ass to kick".

"Get out there, get in their face..."

We¹re gonna punish our enemies...."
Post by BetterNewsBaltimore
Why would anyone listen to an anarchistic non-patriotic idiot?
Why would people elect one?